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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/03/2006 09:09:03
Killing Spree
Joined: 01/21/2006 18:53:41
Messages: 88
Awesome, except you called them both fov_up .
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/03/2006 19:37:13
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
Kohan wrote:
320, did you put onRelease before each command? You may have just put it in once, assuming all commands afterward would be onRelease. Also, does anyone know if you can use a key to toggle something? like, hit E to change FOV, hit it again to change back?
I haven't tried it with multiple onrelease commands. That's a good point. I'll try it and let you know what happens.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/19/2006 08:43:48
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
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Oh yeah, one other bug I don't think has been addressed yet, aside from my LW5/shield gun/assault rifle bug:
If you are healed higher than your "max" (start+99) hp by a medic, your damage shield will not increase from a booster adrenaline combo.
I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin:
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/21/2006 11:37:22
Joined: 05/03/2005 06:05:57
Messages: 259
Being my very first time seeing this thread, I must say that this is a great idea. All noobs, your attention to this.
My Skin-;3861297;/fileinfo.html
Xbox Live name: Macadamia87 |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/22/2006 07:00:34
Joined: 02/18/2006 18:37:33
Messages: 14
Brilliant. Nice thread.
Looking for: Boo skin. See
Booo!-Adrenaline Master. (Get it?) |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/28/2006 23:26:18
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
Someone asked for this keybind in the game.
This Alias will switch the field of view to 80 and lower the mouse sensitivity while brining up the lightning gun or sniper. When you release, it will switch your field of view and sensitivity back. This is a great keybind for snap-shooters. As always, your mileage may vary and you will have to experiment to dial in the settings that work best for you (meaning entering exiting the game several times). Some people may not like the jarring effect of the fov switch.
Another thing, this keybind will switch between the sniper and LG each time you press it. I check to see which is better, but I honestly prefer the LG most of the time. So unless I get a sniper 3 or better, I go with LG.
Aliases[38]=(Command="fov 80 | set PlayerInput MouseSensitivity 2.0 | Switchweapon 9 | OnRelease set PlayerInput MouseSensitivity 3.0 | OnRelease fov 95",Alias="zoomlight")
Then, somewhere else in my user.ini, I have this alias bound to my E key.
That's all there is to it!
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/29/2006 09:31:41
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/09/2006 09:22:42
Killing Spree
Joined: 09/11/2005 07:46:05
Messages: 38
Frag.Stag wrote:
I wrote a couple of scripts to toggle the detail. Now if I get on a big map that's killing my framerate, I just hit a key and my game looks like crap!
If anyone is interested I'll post a tutorial.
I would be very interested in your tutorial Frag
Your friendly neighborhood Oooster! |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/09/2006 09:30:01
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
I wrote a couple of scripts to toggle the detail. Now if I get on a big map that's killing my framerate, I just hit a key and my game looks like crap!
If anyone is interested I'll post a tutorial.
Me too
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/09/2006 10:13:48
Killing Spree
Joined: 09/11/2005 07:46:05
Messages: 38
These are not keybinds but are good tips I think you may like:
Dont you just hate it when half way through a mic conversation, you are drowned out by Microsoft Mary or Sam for those of you who are politically correct . Well there is a setting in the User.ini to reduce or raise the Text to Speech volume.
In the User.ini under the heading[Engine.PlayerController] is the setting TextToSpeechVoiceVolume, I have set mine to =0.400000
Another good tip is changing the crosshair on the vehicle, to do this go to:
User.ini look for:
Just delete this Texture'ONSInterface-TX.tankBarrelAligned' and either leave blank if you use the same crosshair for all weapons. Or replace it with another crosshair texture.
Examples of Crosshair Textures :
Crosshairs.HUD.Crosshair_Cross1 [1 to 5]
Crosshairs.HUD.Crosshair_Circle1 [1 to 5]
Crosshairs.HUD.Crosshair_Triad1 [1 to 5] Just replace the 1 with a number from 1 to 5.
There are many more crosshair textures, just have a look through to find the one that suits.
No need to thank me, I take donations made out to
The Oooster, Level 5, Cell 2, CrazyNappas Asylum
Your friendly neighborhood Oooster! |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/09/2006 11:39:31
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/31/2005 17:04:57
Messages: 508
Location: Northern Indiana
Ooo wrote:
No need to thank me, I take donations made out to
The Oooster, Level 5, Cell 2, CrazyNappas Asylum
TY Ooo,I'll put it main post.
BTW, I'm on level 4, is that you thumping on the floor every night at 0100?

You mean I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?
My skin
My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure
My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD
My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/11/2006 08:16:46
Killing Spree
Joined: 04/08/2006 19:19:26
Messages: 58
Location: Beantown
Don't know if they'll be of use to anyone else, but here are two binds I use frequently:
Quick Shield
SwitchWeapon 1|AltFire|OnRelease SwitchToLastWeapon
What this does is pull out your shield quickly and use the alt-fire part (the shield) while the button is held down. Then once you release the button, it switches back to your last weapon. Useful if you're taking a fall or just need to get out of somewhere. I have it bound to middlemouse.
*NOTE - SwitchToLastWeapon does not appear to switch to magic weapons to my knowledge, but this doesn't really take away from the bind's usefulness, since its primary function is to pull out the shield*
Switch Between two Weapons Quickly
PipedSwitchWeapon 4|PipedSwitchWeapon 9
This is a simple one: switch between any two weapons quickly. In this case, this is my hitscan bind, so I switch between shock and lightning quickly. Useful if you have weapons that you favor and want to be able to switch to those at any given time. Note that the first weapon listed is always switched to first, then the second (as would make sense). However, if the first one isn't in your inventory, then it switches to the second one.
I also use this bind with flak and rockets/mini and link. (hehe, if you can't tell, I'm a TAM/DM guy )
This second one DOES WORK with magic weapons.
Remember that:
1 = Shield gun
2 = Assault Rifle
3 = Bio Rifle
4 = Shock Rifle
5 = Link Gun
6 = Minigun
7 = Flak Cannon
8 = Rocket Launcher
9 = Lightning Gun/Sniper Rifle
0 = Superweapon
Hou ye hui cong shu diao ~ Saru mo ki kara ochiru. ~ Even monkeys fall from trees. |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/20/2006 21:01:22
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/09/2005 05:20:36
Messages: 479
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
These are kind of misc keybinds (some are already in your User.ini but maybe people could contribute to the list as they think of common abbreviations they here on the server).
They are under [Engine.TextToSpeachAlias]
Aliases=(MatchWords=("gg"),ReplaceWord="good game")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("rofl","rotfl","rotflmao"),ReplaceWord="rolls on floor laughing!")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("lol"),ReplaceWord="laughing out loud!")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("np"),ReplaceWord="no problem")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("omg","omfg"),ReplaceWord="oh my god!")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("ns"),ReplaceWord="nice shot")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("hf"),ReplaceWord="have fun")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("fc"),ReplaceWord="flag carrier")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("ih"),ReplaceWord="incoming high")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("iw"),ReplaceWord="incoming low")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("ir"),ReplaceWord="incoming right")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("il"),ReplaceWord="incoming left")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("gl"),ReplaceWord="good luck")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("gj"),ReplaceWord="good job")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("ty"),ReplaceWord="thank you")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("bbl"),ReplaceWord="be back later")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("brb"),ReplaceWord="be right back")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("bbiab"),ReplaceWord="be back in a bit")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("woohoo"),ReplaceWord="woo who")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("gtg"),ReplaceWord="Got to Go")
added these
Aliases=(MatchWords=("ne1"),ReplaceWord="Any one?")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("rl"),ReplaceWord="Rocket Launcher")
Aliases=(MatchWords=("lg"),ReplaceWord="Lightning Gun")
can not be used.
[edit]forum changed things to smileys but those were in the origional phrases[/edit]
[edit2]no more smilies[/edit2]
Current WIP:
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/21/2006 05:55:12
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
There is a checkbox to disable smileys in a post
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/23/2006 21:07:38
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/09/2005 05:20:36
Messages: 479
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Got another one, this one Activates an artifact and switches to weapon 9 (lightning or sniper) then onrelease switches to weapon 7 (flak) and if you held the button down a while then the Artifact will turn off.
Obviously not much good for use with artifacts besides the triple (and perhaps lightning rod) and it takes a bit or trying to get the sniper or lightning to shot before releasing but it does some serious damage if you start with a locked avril before pressing it.
Aliases[36]=(Command="ActivateItem|PipedSwitchWeapon 9|OnRelease SwitchWeapon 7|ActivateItem",Alias="DamageCombo")
Then just assign a key to activate DamageCombo
Current WIP: