Disastrous Consequences
DisastrousConsequences is an online gaming community based around Unreal Tournament 2004. We strive to create a family friendly immersive RPG environment. Think of us as an MMORPG: Medium Multiplayer Role Playing Game.

This community is owned by TheDruidXpawX and Shantara.

Current news: [RSS]

8/11/2019 New User Registration Closed
Greetings everyone,

I've closed the forums to new registrations and terminated all registrations since the server was most recently active.

The forum continues to run, you can still log in with existing credentials and post/pm; but is mostly kept online as an archive.

Some of our previous players have set up a new forum and game server here:

Server address: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Forum: http://www.gametracker.com/clan/D-E-K/


9/3/2014 Web services restored
Hello friends,

It looks as though the AWS server running the forums and website had crashed. The free tier expired last month anyway, so it was time to move it.

I've restored the service elsewhere. The website and forums should be fully functional again.


10/8/2013 Gaming services going offline
Hello friends,

The UT2004 services running on disastrousconsequences.com are going offline, but the website and forums will remain.

7/7/2010 IP Address change to and outage at 8:45AM MDT.
Greetings everyone,

Our colocation provider, XMission is closing down the part of the data center that DisastrousConsequences.com is currently hosted in, and we are being required to move the server to a newer and better portion of the facility.

The downside to this is that we must undergo an IP address change and an hour of downtime while we move the equipment.

We have put a temporary transition server in place and for about the next month if you connect to the old IP address you will be automatically connected to the new IP address.

If you are reading this message after 8/1/2010 and you have not already been connected to the new server, you may have to launch UT2004 and type: `open and re-add it to your favorites.

We didn't want to do this either, but sadly, we've not much choice in the matter, and we'll be in better space with additional resources.

Thanks everyone,


6/30/2010 Google Addsense enabled
Greetings all,

I'm trying out Google Addsense on the forums to generate some revenue to cover the colocation fees. So, no we haven't been hacked .

These should be fairly un-obtrusive down the right, and if you do see something you like, please feel free to click.

See all news [RSS]

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