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Joined: 01/10/2005 09:07:16
Messages: 19

posted this at the rpg forum also. these are some thoughts of mine.

1. The healing super shok SHOULD NOT kill your friendly monsters.

2. Countershove should be DISABLED by default.

3. Increasing points per level should be DISABLED by default.

4. STURDY should be made more available, possibly as an upgrade.

5. Bonuses should be awarded for deeds, and gameplay style.
(i.e. players who liberally use healing weapons could eventually gain the ability to heal with any weapons, including superweapons. players who utilize 1 weapon a LOT will gain additional/ less ability to use this weapon--more/less damage, abilities awarded, etc.)

6. Just like a real rpg, there should always be monsters that are BEYOND THE CAPABILITIES OF LOWER LEVEL PLAYERS. higher point, higher value, higher damaging, more resiliant monsters for veterans. the spawning of these would be based on the levels of players in currently in the server. in addition, lower level monsters (i.e. mantas, krall, flies, pupae) should be invisible/ impervious to vets.

7. Either resupply needs to be maxed out at level 8-10, or there need to be weapons that regain ammo over time ON THEIR OWN.

8. There should be a way to modify the ASSAULT RIFLE to have unlimited ammo, or some such, because there is NO WAY to pick up additional ammo for it.

9. Fitting in with #5, high level players should somehow eventually GAIN abilities such as; REVIVING FALLEN COMRADES, adding weapon bonuses to all friendly players, reducing the level gravity, decreasing damage taken by all friendly players, etc. these abilities allow for a more TEAM BASED approach, which awards players to stick together,and not EVERYONE FOR HIM/HERSELF.

10. In conjunction with #9, (as this has previously been suggested). these super abilities could be made available after a high-level player resets to level 1. this adds to replay values, and keeps the server interesting, and fresh for vets. it also allows a way to prolong gameplay WITHOUT INCREASING POINTS PER LEVEL.

11. Artifacts should cost more adrenaline to use as a player's level increases. (how about a resupply artivact, or a resupply combo...)

12. Ghost should not deposit you in the same perilous location that you just perished in.

these are just thoughts of mine. dreams, if you will. i've played a LOT of rpg mode invasion, and some rpg assault, ctf, and onslaught. i envision an rpg mutator that is very true to traditional rpgs, in terms of level progressions, abilities, etc. there should be life to rpg mode AFTER level 1000.

sincerely, and with highest regards,

your devoted fan--inperfectdarkness


*edit* i realize that at least one of these ideas, (ghost) has been corrected in the new version. my kudos.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

couple of really cool ideas in there, but a lot of your info is not entirely on the mark.
1. If shove/countershove were disabled by default, then there woukd be no need for sturdy at all.
2. By disabling increasing points by level I assume you mean not increasing the number of xp required to level. This is an absolute must. When I was a lower level player, I would score between 100-300xp per map. Pretty much since level 60, I've been scoring about 1000xp per map. If you dont increase the number of xp required to level up, higher level players are gonna hit astronomical levels, and thats when the server has to start resetting players .
3. Infinite ammo assault rifles are not a bad idea, but almost every map on the server has ammo for them laying around. As for your point on ammo in general, with resupply 1 and loaded weapons 2 or higher, it is very difficult to run out of ammo with most guns (with the obvious exceptions of the link, and mini)and literally impossible to run out of ammo for them all.
4. Any weapon or weapon combo which can hurt you can also hurt your pet. So any Superweapon healing or otherwise, will kill your pets, not sure of any other weapons or combos with healing that would though.
Conversely I liked some of numbers 5 and 9.
Hope you enjoy this server, it is one of the best in the UT universe. You will find that constructive ideas are actually looked at and thought through here at disastrousconsequences.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Joined: 01/10/2005 09:07:16
Messages: 19

STURDY is helpful, without countershove. Just ask any newbie who falls into a pit on "dm-training day" because a skaarj shot them 50'. It could also be made MORE useful, to counteract the effects of: TITAN STOMPS, GRAVITY GUNS, AND REDEEMERS. Countershove, however, seems to have the nasty side effect of allowing that i'm-gonna-spam-the-whole-level-with-monsters-player---to keep all the other players bouncing around like pingpong balls. Countershove on a PERSON, isn't bad; countershove on monsters, VERY ANNOYING.

Why on earth would a server have to reset player levels? The only thing i've seen that slows down a server, is EXCESSIVE SERVER JUMPING. That's when you have to go in, and delete all the people who logged on, but never play there. This also fits in exactally with my point about HIGH level monsters. There should be DIFFERENT and NEW challenges to higher level players. Even if the goal was to get to x,000 level, and then reset with an ABILITY; that would be better than increasing the exp. required per level.

Increasing the exp. required per level, especially on servers with AUTO MONSTER ADJUST, has a nasty side effect. DIMMINISHING RETURNS. Let's say on server "A" (capped at 150 exp) player 1 has 50,000 more points earned than player 2. This means player 1 is about 333 levels HIGHER than player 2. This also means, that at 5 attribute points per level, player 1 can have higher weapon speed, higher damage, higher vampirism, etc.

Now on server "B" player 1 also has 50,000 points more than player 2. however, this is misinformative. on this server, player 1 is only 20 levels higher than player 2. Server "B" also has monster adjust at .30 At 5 attribute points per level, player 1 will have to spend 30+ of his 100 points on damage reduction, and damage bonus. This leaves 70 points to spend, versus the 1500+ on server 1. 70 points does not make a significant difference between player 1 and player 2.

(side note, i do support auto monster adjust. i find it makes more sense for higher level players, than does increasing exp).

My other point on this? you may spend your first 5 days on an increasing exp. server, and make it to level 15-30. you'll spend the next MONTH just doubling your level. Further down the road, you'll be spending a week, just to get 1 level. TRANSLATION: the newer players get more return on their playing time, than a higher level player. HOW IS THIS FAIR? Sad to say it, but i haven't found hardly any players on a Increasing exp. servers who have purchased all available abilities, maxed out weapon speed, etc. At 5 points per level, it takes till about level 1000 for this to happen. YOU compute how many exp that takes with increasing exp.

If assault rifle ammo is so PLENTIFUL, how come every time i pick up "box of grenades and bullets" my ammo counter for the assault rifle doesn't move?

Healing redeemers will Heal your pets, as far as i know. The super shok, however, lays waste to them, making it the only HEALING weapon i know of that does this.

finally, i'd like to say this. I believe it makes more sense to penalize higher level players with more adrenaline required, more adrenaline spent, less summoned monsters, etc, than to require more exp per level. Higher players should find that leveling happens naturally, but that the focus is on TEAMPLAY, not KILL-AS-FAST-AS-U-CAN-BECAUSE-IT-TAKES-OBSCENE-AMOUNTS-OF-POINTS-TO-LEVEL.




although i enjoy the mods and mutators, i don't play on disasterous consequences SERVER, because i was not welcomed in using the surname i've used since the beginning of ut2k3. you can find me at minikurbisfarm, and [fc] server.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

The surname? was it something against the Player Agreement?

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star

Joined: 01/04/2005 21:39:06
Messages: 11

maybe he's part of clan [basement]

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

pauli wrote:
maybe he's part of clan [basement]  

LMAO I think Shantara took care of that filter.

You know, we're just not creative (twisted?) enough to think of some of the things people type...

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star


Joined: 01/02/2005 19:38:47
Messages: 13

Speaking of the filter if you type in

"May god rest his soul" it comes back something about the godessess or something. I thought I typed it in wrong, and being an idiot I typed it again. Big mistake. I was banned for the game. I'm not sure but I think giving last rights to Square should not be a banable offense.

Joined: 01/04/2005 21:39:06
Messages: 11

to be fair, it would probably be most appropriate to remember square in silence.


Joined: 01/02/2005 19:38:47
Messages: 13


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:35:28
Messages: 861
Location: SLC, Utah

X, the chat filter censors the word "god" because most people use it in a fashion that may be offensive to some. In his infinite sense of humor, Dru told it to replace this with "goddess." The person who wrote the chat filter code stated that the new version would allow us to do this (instead of it entering into an infinite loop like it used to). However, it instead gets confused, tries to enter "goddess" and then replaces the "god" in "goddess" once to = "goddessdess." This will be fixed if we happen to think of it on the next reset.

I'm wondering what it will take for my country to rise,
First we admit our mistakes, then we open our eyes
--Ani Difranco

My skin: http://www.ut2003hq.com/pafiledb2/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=5094

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

pauli couldnt have said it better myself

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Joined: 01/10/2005 09:07:16
Messages: 19

*questionable language*

i've only been known by 1 of 2 names ever since i starting playing fps online, over 7 years ago.

"painfully-large-wang" was a name bestowed upon me during my time playing Team Fortress Classic. i had used this name for over 4 years, until ut2k3 came out, and it no longer fit in the avatar.

"dickalicious" is a phrase mentioned in a BOB AND TOM radio skit about dick vitale. it is also tribute to my former title, one that does fit in the avatar.

just so you know,



Joined: 01/02/2005 19:38:47
Messages: 13

I can't imagine why your choice in names would be a problem.


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

Okay, raise your hand if you saw that one coming!

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Joined: 01/10/2005 09:07:16
Messages: 19

i'm just saying, i've played on 100's of servers for dozens of fps's, using one of these two names.

this is the only time i've ever been pushed out because of it.

i respect an admin's right to censor. i also feel that such information should be included in the "server title", not just in the "welcome notes". and in my opinion, "censored" servers don't make a server the "best". certain players will always need censored, because they run their mouths. that shouldn't be grounds to punish all players.

now can we get back to my SUGGESTIONS?

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