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Druids RPG [XML]
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DruidsRPG 2.00 Released! 0 TheDruidXpawX 15059 07/23/2006 16:55:59
TheDruidXpawX [Latest Reply]
[Poll] Medic and Engineer inf weapons are too powerful
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95 TheDruidXpawX 30621 03/25/2011 15:40:34
SH4NKS7A [Latest Reply]
Please post an example of how to keybind artifacts
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43 Ratar_Killer 29341 10/15/2010 21:10:29
dom60 [Latest Reply]
DO NOT POST IN THIS FORUM UNTIL YOU READ THIS!! 0 Shantara 9665 09/11/2007 09:12:40
Shantara [Latest Reply]
Potential hacker 6/5/13 2 Bait 58330 02/20/2017 12:54:13
(DC)DEMONSLAYER [Latest Reply]
DruidsRPG227 unofficial 11 feufollet 113827 02/20/2017 12:54:13
(DC)DEMONSLAYER [Latest Reply]
Subclass balance in DruidsRPG227
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41 Szlat 23725 06/22/2013 11:41:26
Dead_Freddo [Latest Reply]
Cant seem to get Druids 227 to work on my server! 14 Tundler 9536 06/06/2013 11:03:14
Tundler [Latest Reply]
My Servers Problems... 0 Tundler 8273 05/18/2013 19:28:04
Tundler [Latest Reply]
hi me kingofwar 0 kingofwar 8411 04/07/2013 11:18:35
kingofwar [Latest Reply]
Saving subclass data
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18 Elite 21910 11/26/2012 06:55:39
Sokoro [Latest Reply]
DruidsRPG & Server development 0 GodzFire 8348 10/10/2012 00:46:08
GodzFire [Latest Reply]
Bugs in DruidsRPG227
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76 Szlat 27159 09/21/2012 23:05:34
Bait [Latest Reply]
DruidsRPG200 Server Config Help 0 Ntropy 9015 05/02/2012 05:09:55
Ntropy [Latest Reply]
Can't upgrade stats! 0 DiGiTaL-CORE 8481 05/01/2012 20:22:09
DiGiTaL-CORE [Latest Reply]
Players can't see certain classes/skills 7 Solunae 9051 05/01/2012 09:10:51
(DC)DEMONSLAYER [Latest Reply]
Summoned monsters mostly useless 6 Sokoro 8821 02/24/2012 09:23:54
Sokoro [Latest Reply]
invasion spree doesn't work. 0 Somian 8657 01/01/2012 01:07:58
Somian [Latest Reply]
Locking Turrets
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53 Szlat 24312 11/30/2011 09:13:34
(DC)DEMONSLAYER [Latest Reply]
"Extreme" game type.
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25 F8_AL 21867 11/07/2011 20:26:03
Blossomoo [Latest Reply]
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