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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/17/2005 08:16:36
Killing Spree
Joined: 03/25/2005 13:47:45
Messages: 99
Location: York - UK
The Info
Whilst looking at edomingox's thread 'Your highest score post...' i thought i would expand on the idea. I'm not sure how popular this is going to be, but hopefully it will encouage some 'healthy' competition between players
Dates shown MM/DD/YY
12/22/05: Most Lightning Gun Kills now 294
12/22/05: Most Shield Gun Kills now 228
12/21/05: Most Sniper Rifle Kills now 285
12/21/05: Most Flak Cannon Kills now 360
12/19/05: Most Players On One Vehicle now 5
12/19/05: Most Ultra Kills now 3
12/19/05: Most Minigun Kills now 249
12/16/05: Most Grenage Launcher Kills now 197
12/16/05: Players over 1,000,000exp now 16
12/16/05: Most Bio Rifle Kills now 172
12/03/05: Most Mine Kills now 329
11/30/05: Most Ultra Kills now 2
11/30/05: Most High Scorers now 5
11/30/05: Most Redeemer Kills now 66
11/30/05: Most Flak Cannon Kills now 296
11/30/05: Most Mini Gun Kills now 231
11/30/05: Highest Team Score now 8108
11/26/05: Most Lightning Kills now 256
11/26/05: Most Double Kills now 46
11/23/05: Most Negative Scorers now 6 (-80 total)
11/23/05: Most High Scorers now 4 (5665 total)
11/21/05: Most Mine Kills now 210
11/21/05: Most Ultra Kills now 1
11/21/05: Most Mine Kills now 188
11/18/05: Most LUDICROUS Kills now 2
11/17/05: Most Translocator Kills now 137
11/16/05: Updated old record information
11/16/05: Most LUDICROUS Kills now 1
11/08/05: Most Double Kills now 35
11/07/05: Most Double Kills now 33
11/06/05: Most Rocket Launcher Kills now 225
11/06/05: Highest Individual Score now 2927
11/06/05: Most MONSTER Kills now 3
11/06/05: Most HOLY **** Kills now 9
11/06/05: Most Mega Kills now 7
11/06/05: Most Double Kills now 29
11/03/05: Most HOLY **** Kills now 8
11/03/05: Most MONSTER Kills now 2
11/03/05: Most Mega Kills now 5
11/03/05: Most Multi Kills now 13
11/03/05: Most Double Kills now 16
11/03/05: Biggest Daredevil now 410
11/03/05: Most Sniper Kills Now 262
11/01/05: Multiple Kills Section Added
11/01/05: Highest Individual Score now 2807
11/01/05: Most Total Kills now 424
11/01/05: Most Translocator Kills now 120
10/13/05: Most Sniper Kills now 243
10/11/05: Highest Team Score now 7736
10/08/05: Highest Team Score now 7396
10/03/05: Most Sniper Kills now 178
10/03/05: Players with over 1,000,000 exp now 11
10/01/05: Lowest Team Score now 2727
10/01/05: Highest Team Score now 7355
Rules and Such
1. If you want to break a record, you need to provide proof that it has been done. To take a screenshot press the F9 key (default). Can you please provide a web link to your screenshot and not a file attachment? It may inconvienience you a little but make this job alot easier. Here is how you do it:-
Open up your screenshot in Paint and save it as a JPG file. Although this causes a little discolouration and decrease in quality, it significantly cuts the file size from about 3,000,000 bytes to 200,000 bytes. Then go to or another image host and upload your picture. If you are using Image Shack, post the contents of the box 'Direct link to image'. Although this method is prefered, as long as the screenshot shows the record and is viewable, i will accept any method.
2. The records must only apply for the Disastrous Consequences Server. Nothing else.
3. Only standard gametypes allowed (Average Invasion with 16 waves)
4. All record attempt screenshots must be genuine.
5. In some cases, you don't need to be the person breaking the record in order to take a screenshot of it. Screenshots taken from people other than the record breaker will be credited.
6. If you think you have broken a record or you can think of new records you want to add just post your screenshots and ideas. Any comments are welcome.
Recently Broken Records
Recently Added Records
The Records
All screenshots must be taken at the end of the game. It must be at wave 16 or a win.
Highest Individual Score: 2927 - Fro13
Description - Simply getting the highest score in one game.
Date Broken - 11/06/05
Proof -
Highest Team Score: 8108
Description - The team score is everybody's points in a game added together.
Date Broken - 11/29/05
Proof -
Screenshot By - FodderFigure
Lowest Team Score: 2727
Description - The opposite of the highest team score.
Date Broken - 09/30/05
Proof -
Screenshot By - Bakuryu
Most High Scorers: 5 -(DC)JamesIX (1252), 320x240 (1180), blade_TX (1164), <DC>Dirty_deeds (1095), Qu@ttro (1003) - Total: 5694
Description - I consider getting over 1000 points in a game to be a high score. This record counts the most players scoring 1000 or more in one game. If record is tied, the highest combined score of the players scoring 1000 or more points is regarded as the record holder.
Date Broken - 11/29/05
Proof -
Screenshot By - 320x240
Most Negative Scorers: 6 - [FFA]ModernBarbarian (-6 ), He_Hate_Me (-7), Foleypro (-10), ReaverEmmanuel (-10), Hausch (-20), Striker (-27). Total: -80
Description - This counts the most players who get a negative score in one game. If record is tied, the lowest combined score of the players scoring negatively is regarded as the record holder.
Date Broken - 11/22/05
Proof -
Screenshot By - [DC]FodderFigure
To apply for one of these records you need a screenshot of your player stats. Press F3 to view them in game. You can view other peoples stats by pressing F8.
Most Shield Gun Kills: 228 - blade_TX
Description - The most monsters killed with a shield gun.
Date Broken - 12/21/05
Proof -
Most Translocator Kills: 137 - Cazius
Description - The most kills with the translocator.
Date Broken - 11/17/05
Proof -
Most Assault Rifle Kills: 79 - MedMonster
Description - The most kills with the assault rifle.
Date Broken - 09/04/05
Proof -
Most Mine Kills: 329 - blade_TX
Description - The most kills with the mine layer
Date Broken - 12/03/05
Proof -
Most Bio Kills: 172 - [DC]FodderFigure
Description - The most kills with the bio-rifle
Date Broken - 12/15/05
Proof -
Most Link Gun Kills: 268 - Mac_Knife
Description - The most kills with a link gun
Date Broken - 09/07/05
Proof -
Biggest Flak Monkey: 360 - blade_TX
Description - The most kills with a flak cannon
Date Broken - 12/20/05
Proof -
Most Grenade Kills 197 - blade_TX
Description - The most kills with a grenade launcher
Date Broken - 12/15/05
Proof -
Biggest Shocker: 216 - <DC>cplmac
Description - Most kills with the shock rifle.
Date Broken - 08/27/05
Proof -
Most Minigun Kills: 249 - blade_TX
Description - Most kills with the mini gun
Date Broken - 12/16/05
Proof -
Most Rocket Launcher Kills: 225 - Fro13
Description - The most kills with a rocket launcher
Date Broken - 11/06/05
Proof -
Most AVRiL Kills: 127 - J.Zero
Description - the most kills with an avril.
Date Broken - 09/11/05
Proof -
Most Lightning Gun Kills: 294 - blade_TX
Description - The most kills with the lightning gun
Date Broken - 12/21/05
Proof -
Most Sniper Rifle Kills: 285 - blade_TX
Description - The most kills with the sniper rifle
Date Broken - 12/20/05
Proof -
Most Ion Painter Kills: 54 - [DC]FodderFigure
Description - the most kills with the ion cannon
Date Broken - 08/30/05
Proof -
Most Redeemer Kills: 66 - [DC]FodderFigure
Description - The most monsters killed with a redeemer.
Date Broken - 11/29/05
Proof -
Most Total Kills: 424 - Fro13
Description - The most monsters killed in one invasion round.
Date Broken - 11/01/05
Proof -
Multiple Kills
Most Double Kills: 46 - Fro13
Description - The most Double kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/24/05
Proof -
Most Multi Kills: 13 - [DC]FodderFigure
Description - The most Multi kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/01/05
Proof -
Most Mega Kills: 7 - Fro13
Description - The most Mega kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/06/05
Proof -
Most Ultra Kills: 3 - DaRedeye
Description - The most Ultra kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/14/05 (Posted 12/16/05)
Proof -
Most MONSTER Kills: 3 - Fro13
Description - The most Monster kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/06/05
Proof -
Most LUDICROUS Kills: 2 - DaRedeye
Description - The most Ludicrous kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/03/05
Proof -
Most HOLY **** Kills: 9 - Fro13
Description - The most Holy Shit kills in one round
Date Broken - 11/06/05
Proof -
Highest Level Player: Dirty_deeds - 295+
Description - The best player of the game.
Date Broken - 08/17/05
Proof -
Players with over 1,000,000 exp: 16 - <DC>Dirty_deeds, (DOF)CptCrunch, <DC>cplmac, Roadrash, (DC)DaRedeye, <DC>Chameleon, Bakuryu, [DC]FodderFigure, <DC>Mystic, {DC}Shantara, <DC>Chyster, <DC>Llachior, <DC>LAN}Fire_Eclipse, Fro13, JamesIX, blade_TX
Date Broken - 12/15/05
Proof -
Most Played Map: DM-Osiris2 - 200+ times
Date Broken - 08/17/05
Most Players on One Vehicle: 5 - (Left to Right) - ||Jec||, [FFA]ModernBarbarian, Ooo, The_Assassin_Imposte, Ajax
Description - This record counts the most players on/in a one or two manned vehicle (Manta, Scorpion, SPMA, Paladin, Goliath). This includes the driver.
Date Broken - 11/19/05 (Posted 12/16/05)
Proof -
Screenshot By - DaRedeye
Biggest Link Chain: 10 - (Right to left) - [unknown player], Szlat, dip42, (DC)Count_d'money, Celor, (DC)DarkStar, Qu@ttro, Icey, GETSOME, [unknown player]
Description - The most people linking up with the link gun.
Date Broken - 09/27/05
Proof -
Screenshot By - DaRedeye
Biggest Daredevil: 410 - Spacey
Description - Getting the biggest daredevil score on an onslaught map (i don't think it can be done on an assault map...?)
Date Broken - 11/02/05
Proof -
Biggest Group Photo: 12 Players - (Right to left) - Szlat, Celor, GETSOME, <DC>Chyster, (DC)Count_d'money, Icey, dip42, LinksLife, Qu@ttro, (DC)DarkStar, Flaashman, Roadrash
Description - A screenshot of the most players in one spot
Date Broken - 09/27/05
Proof -
Screenshot By - DaRedeye
Most Posts : cplmac - 1000+
Description - Posting the most on the forums
Date Broken - 08/17/05
Proof -
Biggest Topic: A little bit about yourself... - 220+ posts
Description - The forum topic with the most replies.
Date Broken - 08/24/05
Proof -
My Skin - |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/17/2005 15:48:40
Joined: 05/22/2005 16:57:45
Messages: 247
good idea eyesore.. you may have to take the new records and update your first post here when it changes, or when people suggest new records. that way we dont have to read the whole thread if it gets too big.
My character skin -
or path=content/download.php&contentid=4280
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/17/2005 16:08:19
Killing Spree
Joined: 08/06/2005 14:19:45
Messages: 43
A nice record for us redeemer/ultima fans would be for most corpses on one screen. Bug corpses don't count; that would make things a bit too easy.
MedMonster: lvl 45 junkie and counting |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/17/2005 16:51:35
Killing Spree
Joined: 03/25/2005 13:47:45
Messages: 99
Location: York - UK
edomingox wrote:
good idea eyesore.. you may have to take the new records and update your first post here when it changes, or when people suggest new records. that way we dont have to read the whole thread if it gets too big.
Yup. Will do. The reason why i suggested web links to screenshots was so as not to make this thread bigger then it had to be and making the topic quicker to load up. So all the record info is going to be on the first post.
Dr.Stimpack wrote:
A nice record for us redeemer/ultima fans would be for most corpses on one screen. Bug corpses don't count; that would make things a bit too easy.
The only problem i have with this suggestion (the same problem i had when deciding to put up the biggest group photo) is that if the screenshot is taken from quite a distance and in a big open space, you would be able to fit a few more corpses than if it were taken in a room on an indoor map, so it could be unfair. As long as a certain amount of the screenshot is taken up by moster bodies then that would be ok. Post a screenshot of you or someone breaking that record and i'll see whether it should be added.
My Skin - |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/17/2005 20:19:26
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs
Doesn't this count? I definately don't always have the time to make my files smaller and them upload them to a website and then make a link to them.
This is a pretty cool idea though!
Filename |
2307.bmp |
Description |
Filesize |
5625 Kbytes
Downloaded: |
117 time(s) |
good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun. |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/17/2005 23:11:32
Joined: 01/08/2005 14:09:13
Messages: 209
cplmac wrote:
Doesn't this count? I definately don't always have the time to make my files smaller and them upload them to a website and then make a link to them.
This is a pretty cool idea though!
wow man, that bmp is 5MB..
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 03:25:56
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.
How about a section for the most kills with a certian weapon? (ie. 204 kills with the shield gun, etc...)
****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty
****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****
***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***
IM:atvnj at |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 05:19:36
Killing Spree
Joined: 03/25/2005 13:47:45
Messages: 99
Location: York - UK
cplmac wrote:
Doesn't this count? I definately don't always have the time to make my files smaller and them upload them to a website and then make a link to them.
This is a pretty cool idea though!
I was just about to put those records down, but then i realised that you were on wave 32. On the DC server it only goes up to 16, so this suggests that it that game was on a different server. Although, having said that, there are some players who are regulars on the server (My$stic, Square, CptCrunch etc...) Could you please explain where it came from?
emetakleze wrote:
How about a section for the most kills with a certian weapon? (ie. 204 kills with the shield gun, etc...)
If the player statistics page were still up, that could be possible, but now, a record like that could be difficult to prove. he only thing i'd have to go by is people's word. Unless you can find a way to prove it, it won't become a record. Sorry.
My Skin - |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 07:17:30
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/31/2005 17:04:57
Messages: 508
Location: Northern Indiana
cplmac wrote:
Doesn't this count? I definately don't always have the time to make my files smaller and them upload them to a website and then make a link to them.
This is a pretty cool idea though!
I think only a 16 wave map would count.

You mean I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?
My skin
My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure
My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD
My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 09:03:40
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/21/2005 14:31:28
Messages: 1099
Location: Brick City
Eyesore I was just about to put those records down, but then i realised that you were on wave 32... Could you please explain where it came from?
this came from a round of 2003 invasion. 2003 was different because it one, didn't have titans, and two it didn't stop at wave 16. I have not played much of 2k3, I can't recall which is the last wave for it, but that's why it's a much higher wave. I'd also have to agree with fodder that records should be kept at 16 waves, but I don't think it will matter too much because 2k3 has been taken out.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 13:02:31
Joined: 08/10/2005 18:38:46
Messages: 205
Eyesore wrote:
cplmac wrote:
Doesn't this count? I definately don't always have the time to make my files smaller and them upload them to a website and then make a link to them.
This is a pretty cool idea though!
I was just about to put those records down, but then i realised that you were on wave 32. On the DC server it only goes up to 16, so this suggests that it that game was on a different server. Although, having said that, there are some players who are regulars on the server (My$stic, Square, CptCrunch etc...) Could you please explain where it came from?
emetakleze wrote:
How about a section for the most kills with a certian weapon? (ie. 204 kills with the shield gun, etc...)
If the player statistics page were still up, that could be possible, but now, a record like that could be difficult to prove. he only thing i'd have to go by is people's word. Unless you can find a way to prove it, it won't become a record. Sorry.
i beleave the DC server used to have a ut2003 invasion gametype,
through it has been taken off,
but that did had that name AFAIK, and gone to wave 32
Zenas: Weapons Master - lvl 26 |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 13:09:22
Killing Spree
Joined: 03/25/2005 13:47:45
Messages: 99
Location: York - UK
Pyramidion wrote:
this came from a round of 2003 invasion. 2003 was different because it one, didn't have titans, and two it didn't stop at wave 16. I have not played much of 2k3, I can't recall which is the last wave for it, but that's why it's a much higher wave. I'd also have to agree with fodder that records should be kept at 16 waves, but I don't think it will matter too much because 2k3 has been taken out.
I guess i need to make an adjustment to the rules. 'Only current gametypes allowed'. That is Average Invasion with 16 waves.
My Skin - |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 15:47:03
Joined: 05/22/2005 16:57:45
Messages: 247
Eyesore wrote:
If the player statistics page were still up, that could be possible, but now, a record like that could be difficult to prove. he only thing i'd have to go by is people's word. Unless you can find a way to prove it, it won't become a record. Sorry.
you can still prove it. hit F3 and take a screenshot. F3 shows your stats on weapon usage.
My character skin -
or path=content/download.php&contentid=4280
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 15:57:26
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.
Eyesore wrote:
cplmac wrote:
Doesn't this count? I definately don't always have the time to make my files smaller and them upload them to a website and then make a link to them.
This is a pretty cool idea though!
I was just about to put those records down, but then i realised that you were on wave 32. On the DC server it only goes up to 16, so this suggests that it that game was on a different server. Although, having said that, there are some players who are regulars on the server (My$stic, Square, CptCrunch etc...) Could you please explain where it came from?
I believe it came from the DC server, but on a 2003 based map which have 32 waves.
Eyesore wrote:
emetakleze wrote:
How about a section for the most kills with a certian weapon? (ie. 204 kills with the shield gun, etc...)
If the player statistics page were still up, that could be possible, but now, a record like that could be difficult to prove. he only thing i'd have to go by is people's word. Unless you can find a way to prove it, it won't become a record. Sorry.
Can I just take a screenie of the internal (in game while playing) current player stats screen?
****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty
****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****
***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***
IM:atvnj at |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/18/2005 15:59:52
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.
sry about above post, edo and acyd must have posted before my post. I"VE BEEN SACKED!!!
****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty
****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****
***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***
IM:atvnj at |