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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

Clueless wrote:

Okay. Here's a recent picture of Wayno and me:


AWESOME!!!!! i dont think i have EVER seen a pic of you guys!!! I love it!!!!! you two are sooo cute together! thank you for sharing!!

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 03/18/2006 12:10:27
Messages: 2151
Location: Colorful Colorado

What!!!!! No grass or landscaping yet...........

Let us not fool ourselves into thinking we went to the Moon because we are pioneers, or discoverers, or adventurers. We went to the Moon because it was the militaristically expedient thing to do. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it....Autograph your work with excellence. Author Unknown



My skin is Graah, a reincarnation of an ancient African warrior mixed with the soul of a lion,
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 11/07/2005 10:47:40
Messages: 637
Location: Florida

Awesome pics! Thx for sharing! Love the house...reminds me of Texas alot lol... Kingwood area. You guys look so cute together!

A True Friend Stabs You In The Front!

"It's all paranormal man, it's a mystery." - Jason Hawes

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Joined: 02/12/2006 13:46:09
Messages: 413
Location: New York City

What!!!!! No grass or landscaping yet........... 

Looks great to me You guys look great too.
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There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 06/09/2008 23:49:41
Messages: 615
Location: Mexico

hey this is me an my girlfriend
now that day was on my 23 birthday.. dont ask how was the next moring. men i could feel my legs for few hours...

"Only a few find the way, some don't recognise it when they do, some don't ever want to."

Cheshire, The Cat

Alice and the Hatter: Quotes: Alice in Wonderland
Alice: What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month, and it doesn't tell what o'clock it is!
The Hatter: Why should it? Does your watch tell you what year it is?
Alice: Of course not, but that's because it stays the same year for such a long time together.
The Hatter: …which is just the case with mine.

HERE IS MY NEW SKIN ... please take time to download it

thanks road

working on a new skill please support and advice would be great

Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

Ratar_Killer wrote:

What!!!!! No grass or landscaping yet........... 

Looks great to me You guys look great too. 

lol awesome! I wish it was that easy...then id have you do that to my house too! no matter what we do our lawn just wont stay alive. and more so im afraid to go lay on it. it seems our lawn is a magnet to all spiders and red ants. seriously you look at it and the graqss looks like its moving from all the spiders. and i have a severe case of arachnophobia. Trav has been fixing that tho! Now we just need to get rid of the black widows in the garage *shudder*

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 03/18/2006 12:10:27
Messages: 2151
Location: Colorful Colorado

Ratar_Killer wrote:

What!!!!! No grass or landscaping yet........... 

Looks great to me You guys look great too. 

I wish it could be done that quick................

Let us not fool ourselves into thinking we went to the Moon because we are pioneers, or discoverers, or adventurers. We went to the Moon because it was the militaristically expedient thing to do. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it....Autograph your work with excellence. Author Unknown



My skin is Graah, a reincarnation of an ancient African warrior mixed with the soul of a lion,
download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/2843.page
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 11/07/2005 10:47:40
Messages: 637
Location: Florida

Thè-Hättêr wrote:
hey this is me an my girlfriend
now that day was on my 23 birthday.. dont ask how was the next moring. men i could feel my legs for few hours...

Great pic Hatter! Thx for sharing!

A True Friend Stabs You In The Front!

"It's all paranormal man, it's a mystery." - Jason Hawes

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RoadKill v3.4

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 06/03/2007 18:43:42
Messages: 1085
Location: Resurrection Hub orbiting Canada searching for More Beer

nice 3 more players I can put a face to

http://www.unrealcentral.com/download.php?view.167 < -- Click for my skin/model

Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

indeed hatter i love the pic!!! like roadkill said its nice to put faces to the people!!

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/10/2008 20:00:40
Messages: 526
Location: Hood River, OR

Ratar_Killer wrote:

What!!!!! No grass or landscaping yet........... 

Looks great to me You guys look great too. 

Love the garage...make sure it lights up during the holidays.

Killing Spree

Joined: 01/04/2008 22:33:37
Messages: 30
Location: Houston, Texas

Aw, thanks for the cute couple comments. You all are so sweet!

I guess I forgot to mention the picture of our house is about a year ago, and now we have grass, bushes, and a couple of trees. Ratar's grass is much better looking than ours is! I had told Wayno that we could put a decorative star on the house, but I never thought about how much cooler the "U" would be!

"Have fun storming the castle!" - Miracle Max from "The Princess Bride"

Extreme Monster/Medic: (DC)clueless ................................................. General: clueless
Engineer: cluelessENG ................................................... Weapons Master: cluelessWEP
Adrenaline Master: cluelessADR ..................................................... Medic: cluelessMED

Here is the skin for my general char (Bunny): http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/3640.page

Here is the skin for my adrenaline char (Callisto): http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/4223.page

Here is the skin for the rest of my chars (Callisto v2): http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/4462.page


Joined: 07/18/2007 18:54:29
Messages: 19
Location: Iowa

If you request it. =PP

Picture of me. =PP

Next two are at a school dance. So Im kinda sweaty. =S

What do ya think??

The first one i have an edit of that i did. which i like alot more. =PP

Cool Story Bro.
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

very nice!!

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

aim icon


Joined: 07/18/2007 18:54:29
Messages: 19
Location: Iowa

PyRo wrote:
very nice!! 

Haha thanks. =PP Atleast I know you dont think im too bad lookin' =PP

Cool Story Bro.
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