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Ideas about Engineer 2nd jobs  XML
Forum Index -> Druids RPG
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Joined: 10/08/2009 09:10:26
Messages: 131

I know you are working to get the subclasses

I got a few ideas I would like to share.

Why dont you make a 2nd job Engineer class, only purchaseable when you hit lv 100 and u get more skills like this ones:

You can summon a Mecha and you can get on it.
Basic Mecha: Its slow walking but has 2 miniguns on both hands

Intermediate Mecha: It can walk faster and can jump very high, has 2 linkguns on each hand or other weapon

Expert Mecha: It walks fast, cant jump high but It can Fly permanently ( The only class that can fly ) It would be cool to have as primary weapon flak cannons on both hands or other weapon and secondary weapon would be cool that the mecha with both hands can grab monsters and smash it to the ground, or wall or to another monster, and for example u can do a nice move like grabing a Titan and then u can fly away with it in ur arms and then falling down with it and smash it in the floor.

--You cant summon a turret and a mecha at the same time---

Summon Robot: You can summon a support robot

Lv 1: This robot is a small ball that floats and follow you, It can spawn a shield that protects the summoner and it runs out when enemy fire attack constantly, it has cooldown.

Lv2: Summons a Nali robot that follows you and help to kill monsters, you can buy to this robot up to 5 weapons, Shield gun, Flak cannon, Mini gun, Link gun, Sniper Lighting gun, you can costum your robot

Lv3: Summon a Big robot that can be offensive or defensive.

--You cant summon Vehicles and Robots at the same time---

Construction Shock Rifle: Ive seen this shock rifle that when u use primary fire it shoots the laser beam and spawn an object, with alt fire you can choose which object to spawn, It has ammo too as any other weapon

Well this are my ideas for the engineer class.

RoadKill v3.4

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 06/03/2007 18:43:42
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Re : Mecha if you can code it I can probably make it

I've learned a lot since this attempt and still have the files from it

http://www.unrealcentral.com/download.php?view.167 < -- Click for my skin/model


Joined: 10/08/2009 09:10:26
Messages: 131

Oh I wish I could code, I just posted a few ideas, I thought it would help.

Killing Spree

Joined: 07/17/2009 23:40:06
Messages: 106
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey

Can u get me a picture of what u are talking about (what is a mecha--anyway hi demon)

Hi!! Nice to meet you. Online, I will mainly play as Clone-Engineer. Please be sure to check on my other posts!
Clone-Engineer-Level 72
Clone Weaponary-Level ?
Clone-Medic-Level ?
Clone-Junkie-Level ?
Clone--Level ? ( General )

Republic Scouts have found the location of the monster house. Apparently the monsters teamed up with the droids and come together to attack us. So the Republic and DC has teamed up to fight them!!!

Joined: 08/16/2009 20:51:04
Messages: 7

A mecha is a large robot. I could see a lot of issues with this actually. yeah it would be pretty sweet, however, it basically would act as a vehicle and might unbalance the engineer especially if it's very mobile. Also, it wouldn't fit in many areas unless you were playing in an out door map.

With all that said it would be wicked cool, and I want one.
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