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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 09/03/2006 23:12:48
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Location: orange county

Need I remind you all that you can't have soup without the main ingredient, and this main ingredient will not go willingly!

You can never have too much precision in your soup.

"I don't think it's fair for me to be on the jury because I'm a hologram..." - Liz Lemon

turtle power!

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Killing Spree

Joined: 01/29/2006 00:46:25
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

ECHO wrote:
Need I remind you all that you can't have soup without the main ingredient, and this main ingredient will not go willingly! 

A challenge!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! We shall see about that!!! >:/ >:/

Frag, very nice pic! Im glad you put one up!

Im still waiting for certain people tho! Like...painkill....brandi....well honey is now off my list! lets see....umm...lets just say all of you who are not on here! I know who you are too...

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

Honey wrote:
Hello everyone, since everyone else is putting their pic up, i thought i would attach mine 

Though I tend to play BF2 more these days and it's been a while since I've popped onto DC, I still hit the forums every so often to see what's going on.

This got my attention.

"Okay dirty old man, back in your cage!"

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 04/25/2007 11:40:19
Messages: 1107
Location: Barbados, West Indies

*gives into peer pressure*..

Heres pics of me.....I guess

One from last sunday..

And one of me being me..in the room I spend lots of time ..the office......

hehe..what can i say?..

so yeah...

... eye spy with my lil I..wait no..other way around?..

-Jason_X- : lvl 97 Medic
-Jas0n_X- : lvl 59 Engineer
-Jasôn_X- : lvl 47 Engineer
-Jas@n_X-: lvl 42 Adren. Master

This is my skin
| Here be me Aug 07 | My myspace..which I don't check much

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 11/07/2005 10:47:40
Messages: 637
Location: Florida

Great pics Frag and Jason!!!

Good luck with that Pyro... I'm still waiting on a few ppl. and believe I will be for a long while lol.

A True Friend Stabs You In The Front!

"It's all paranormal man, it's a mystery." - Jason Hawes

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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

Sub we need to do a sneak attack!!!

Jason you look oddly fimiliar....hmm....

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 04/25/2007 11:40:19
Messages: 1107
Location: Barbados, West Indies

..hmmm.......I highly doubt youve seen me in my area...unless your area is PA ..cus I was there for 2 weeks in july...

-Jason_X- : lvl 97 Medic
-Jas0n_X- : lvl 59 Engineer
-Jasôn_X- : lvl 47 Engineer
-Jas@n_X-: lvl 42 Adren. Master

This is my skin
| Here be me Aug 07 | My myspace..which I don't check much

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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

grr!! so frusterating... i dont know what it is but ill figure it out here sometime. you dont recognize me either d oyou...of course the pic i posted is waaaay old and doesnt look like me very much anymore...hmm....

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 04/25/2007 11:40:19
Messages: 1107
Location: Barbados, West Indies

Actually one sec...lemme look for your pic int he thread..*searching*..actually you do look vaguely familiar..o.0..but that may be my mind playing tricks..o.0hum...

-Jason_X- : lvl 97 Medic
-Jas0n_X- : lvl 59 Engineer
-Jasôn_X- : lvl 47 Engineer
-Jas@n_X-: lvl 42 Adren. Master

This is my skin
| Here be me Aug 07 | My myspace..which I don't check much

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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

So its not just me!!!! hmm...check out my myspace pics they are ALOT more recent, like 2-3 years it least more recent. My myspace is posted under the thread Myspace lol. do you have one?! we are ganna figure this out!

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 04/25/2007 11:40:19
Messages: 1107
Location: Barbados, West Indies

yip..my post is among the last ones there...lol..ok..

-Jason_X- : lvl 97 Medic
-Jas0n_X- : lvl 59 Engineer
-Jasôn_X- : lvl 47 Engineer
-Jas@n_X-: lvl 42 Adren. Master

This is my skin
| Here be me Aug 07 | My myspace..which I don't check much

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Joined: 08/19/2007 11:51:05
Messages: 8
Location: Colorado

Dont worry pyro. i can handle it lol

Sweet like honey
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Joined: 08/19/2007 11:51:05
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Location: Colorado

hi there nick , i just wanna say thank you for helping me

Sweet like honey
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Joined: 08/19/2007 11:51:05
Messages: 8
Location: Colorado

oh hi there ratar

Sweet like honey
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