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Forum Index -> Druids RPG
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Joined: 02/18/2005 15:46:55
Messages: 14

i didnt know where to put this, if i put it in the wrong topic sorry . in downloads section where druids rpg is for downloads, it says By the by instead of By the way , hope you webmasters can fix that

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

by the by is another way of saying by the way. surprised you never heard of it.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.


Joined: 01/08/2005 14:09:13
Messages: 209

Is that some kind of backwoods Utahian jargon? Or maybe some sort of Canuck slang or something?

I'm with Sky on this one... =)

Joined: 02/18/2005 15:46:55
Messages: 14

then first time hearing that quote, by the by.... still sounds weird to me , and ty acy lol

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

it is weird

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Killing Spree

Joined: 01/31/2005 01:24:13
Messages: 45

Welcome to the rest of the world, mac.

(And that can be read with several different meanings. I mean that one. No, not that one, the one before it.)

Edit: Woups... Didn't mean to bump an already dead topic ^.-

Killing Spree

Joined: 04/20/2005 14:25:39
Messages: 82
Location: Tempe, AZ

SkY wrote:
i didnt know where to put this, if i put it in the wrong topic sorry . in downloads section where druids rpg is for downloads, it says By the by instead of By the way , hope you webmasters can fix that 

sky's from canada by the by is an american phrase, probably coined from idiots that misheard "by the way"

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