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Killing Spree

Joined: 04/20/2005 14:25:39
Messages: 82
Location: Tempe, AZ

bushbomb wrote:

Is that how it should look? I'm not able to change the cost of it. Any tips? 

can you please elaborate on this please? If you have a list, it only picks from those monsters or does the summon go in that order? where do we put this tidbit?

i want something like this:

lvl1=skaarj pupae

(weak to strong skaarj)


lvl1=nali w/shieldgun
lvl2=nali w/assaultrifle
lvl3=nali w/biorifle
lvl4=nali w/flakcannon
lvl5=nali w/rocketlauncher
lvl6=nali w/lightninggun/sniperrifle
lvl7=nali w/minigun
lvl8=nali w/shockrifle

(i.m.h.o - what a nali would be best with according to damage vs. range vs. firing rate)

a hiearchy of pets, instead of this "well let's spawn random stuff now that we have all these monsters" thing... that's ridiculous, imho... i remember with regular RPG and druids with satore's, and no other mutes, it was something like this:

lvl1=razorfly/manta/skaarj pupae
lvl3=krall/elite krall

any ideas? tips? help ? plz? ;[ thanx! - Raze2K5

Disclaimer: Post count does not reflect level of expertise.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

New release. Please see http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/701.page#4414

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star


Joined: 07/06/2005 06:27:24
Messages: 13
Location: Tucson, AZ

I'm still interested in what was posted 2 posts previous... how does it determine which summon to use for which level of the skill?


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

KampKounslr wrote:
I'm still interested in what was posted 2 posts previous... how does it determine which summon to use for which level of the skill? 

There's some formula in the source that determines based upon the score you get for killing a monster what level of monster you can summon. You may want to ask on Mysterial's forums as I dont know for sure, and havent spent the time to figure it out.

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star


Joined: 07/06/2005 06:27:24
Messages: 13
Location: Tucson, AZ

One thing to note is that I used the exact code above, and it does not constrain the summons to the list... wondering if I'm using the right code? Ideas welcome


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

KampKounslr wrote:
One thing to note is that I used the exact code above, and it does not constrain the summons to the list... wondering if I'm using the right code? Ideas welcome  

Are you uising the 163 release? If you are, the list is constrained by UT2004RPG itself, and all this code has been removed from my classes

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star


Joined: 07/06/2005 06:27:24
Messages: 13
Location: Tucson, AZ

Yeah, using 163/2.1... the method recommended by Mysterial was to code in "ConfigMonsterList=Class'satoreMonsterPackv120.SMPQueen'" in the [UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG] section of the .ini, which limits all the summons, whether via artifact or tongue. Now, thats assuming I wasnt using your mod (which is wonderful, btw. Gotta tell you I admire yours and Mysterials ability with code, wish I had it!)

The other tidbit is that the Tongue list is not modifiable in the order that mobs are summoned (so to say, you can't specify Skaarj at Level 1 tongue)... however, they are based upon the point value of the monster, so you can constrain your allowable summon list, and leave a bit of a gap in the cost of the mobs; make sense, I hope? e.g. my list currently is Manta, Skaarj, Behemoth, SkaarjSniper, Titan, and Queen. There are a few levels that the player has the same mob, but I prefer there to be a bit of a jump between what mobs are given.

Anyhows, hope I provided some info that others were wanting.


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

KampKounslr wrote:
Yeah, using 163/2.1... the method recommended by Mysterial was to code in "ConfigMonsterList=Class'satoreMonsterPackv120.SMPQueen'" in the [UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG] section of the .ini, which limits all the summons, whether via artifact or tongue. Now, thats assuming I wasnt using your mod

Yeah Mysterial added that at my request, and when he did I took the code out of my classes which did essentially the same thing as my classes.

I did have the ability to change it for monster tongue and for the artifacts, but I never had a different list for each on my server...

KampKounslr wrote:

(which is wonderful, btw. Gotta tell you I admire yours and Mysterials ability with code, wish I had it!)


KampKounslr wrote:

The other tidbit is that the Tongue list is not modifiable in the order that mobs are summoned (so to say, you can't specify Skaarj at Level 1 tongue)... however, they are based upon the point value of the monster, so you can constrain your allowable summon list, and leave a bit of a gap in the cost of the mobs; make sense, I hope? e.g. my list currently is Manta, Skaarj, Behemoth, SkaarjSniper, Titan, and Queen. There are a few levels that the player has the same mob, but I prefer there to be a bit of a jump between what mobs are given.

My code never had the ability to pick which level summoned which monsters either. The people who were posting about it just wanted it to be that way.

It's possible if I code up the Monster Master class that you'll be able, as a server admin, to pick which monsters can be summoned at what levels, and I'm thinking the player could actually pick which of those monsters to summon.

That will be a wholesale replacement of the Monster Tongue and Monster Summon artifacts though.

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star


Joined: 07/06/2005 06:27:24
Messages: 13
Location: Tucson, AZ

Sounds interesting and quite enjoyable! I await possible said changes with baited breath

Thanks for the info btw!


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

DruidsRPG170 released:


Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star
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