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03/29/2006 06:15:40
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
If you Poison a mob with a Poison +4 Shock then Switch to a Flak 5, is the mob still affected by a Poison 4 for all the ticks?
If you Poison a mob with a Poison +4 Shock then Switch to a Poison Flak 1, is the mob still affected by a Poison 4 or effect goes down to 1 (Even if you dont hit the same mob)?
If you Poison a mob with a Poison +4 Shock and Die. Is the mob still affected by a Poison 4?
4) Do you get XP and/or Kill shot when the mob take damage/die on the Poison Tick?
Thanks a lot!
03/29/2006 09:14:19
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
[KitFox wrote:
If you Poison a mob with a Poison +4 Shock then Switch to a Flak 5, is the mob still affected by a Poison 4 for all the ticks?
If you Poison a mob with a Poison +4 Shock and Die. Is the mob still affected by a Poison 4?
Yes and Yes.
[KitFox wrote:
If you Poison a mob with a Poison +4 Shock then Switch to a Poison Flak 1, is the mob still affected by a Poison 4 or effect goes down to 1 (Even if you dont hit the same mob)?
I believe it would still affect them based on the +4 for the same reason they stay poisoned if you die. The poison is given to them in their 'inventory' so they carry it around until it expires. (Which is all of about 4 seconds anyway)
[KitFox wrote:
]4) Do you get XP and/or Kill shot when the mob take damage/die on the Poison Tick?
You should get experience when they take damage from poison. The 'kill shot' bonus of 1 extra EXP point should also be included in that.
My caveat is that with Druids enhanced Poison it never seems like I get experience for the poison damage. I'm not sure why though. I modified Poison to make Venom on our server and I can sit there and watch the experience go because it lasts for 30 seconds. But with Druids being something that saps a percentage of life rather than a fixed number of health, I cant say for sure that I've witnessed any experience gain for letting them be poisoned. It is possible that RPG can't calculate experience for loss of health if it is done on a percentage.
I will try to do some testing to verify that Enhanced Poison really does or does not grant EXP for the poison damage.
03/29/2006 09:29:42
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
Ouch if you dont get EXP that pretty much make Poison useless.
*cross fingers*
03/29/2006 09:41:53
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
Well it is still helpful when you need to severly drain monsters of their life so you can stay alive.
I did the math on the code. A Poison +4 will drain a monster of approximately 40%of it's life. So a couple of those and a few well placed bullets should kill most monsters.
03/29/2006 10:55:41
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
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I've noticed that I get XP for monsters that are poisoned (it's most obvious when you tag a titan and run). It may be, however, that since you only get a percentage of XP for damage done to a monster (it's not 1 XP for 1 HP) that if you poison a small monster, any XP you'd get might get lost in the math.
I don't know about 180+ but playing 176 locally on my own I have actually (I'm fairly certain) killed monsters with poison (meaning I wandered away and noticed that they died). Not having looked at the code, I don't know if I'm hallucinating or what.
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03/29/2006 11:45:21
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
I think the enhanced poison Druid made and uses currently was not implemented until 180 or higher. I could be wrong but I dont think poison did the percentage of health damage until 180 and up.
I have no doubt that poison damage used to give experience based on Mysterial's code. IF there is a problem then it must be due to the percentage based damage instead of fixed numbers.
03/29/2006 15:04:26
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
Also, what if you shoot something with a poison 4 flak and then shoot it again with a poison 4 shock? Does the poison stack?
And do multiple shots from the same weapon stack or "refresh" the poison?
03/29/2006 18:04:53
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
Okay I confirmed that Druids Poison weapons do grant experience for the poison damage it does.
If a monster is poisoned, and you hit it with another shot of poison, the poison wont stack no matter if it is the same gun or a different gun. The code of the guns checks for poison and if it finds it wont add more. The only additional damage you would do is from the shot actually hitting the monster.
The reason I thought Druids version of poison didn't give exp is because the percentage of life it takes seems to be based on the monsters current health instead of their starting health. So the poison damage per tick decreses as they lose health.
If the poison drains 10% health, then on the first tick (assuming it had full health and that your initial shot hitting him did nothing) the poison would drain
10% * full health = 10% of monsters starting health
then on the second tick (assuming no other kind of damage has happened)
10% * 90% of full health = 9% of monsters starting health.
Third tick would be 8%, fourth tick would be 7%.
It is still effective but the best poison damage you will do is hitting a monster while it is at full health and then just blasting him over and over after 4 seconds.
03/29/2006 18:56:24
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
If the poison drains 10% health, then on the first tick (assuming it had full health and that your initial shot hitting him did nothing) the poison would drain
10% * full health = 10% of monsters starting health
then on the second tick (assuming no other kind of damage has happened)
10% * 90% of full health = 9% of monsters starting health.
Third tick would be 8%, fourth tick would be 7%.
Mmmm V0rTeX...
If this is true, mobs would never die by poison and ive seen mob die by poison effect.
03/30/2006 04:08:31
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida
KitFox wrote:
If this is true, mobs would never die by poison and ive seen mob die by poison effect.
In a recent 180+ version or 176? The damage style was changed as of 180 ...
It could also be a rounding thing, where if a monster is so weak and that poison *must* do at least 1 point of damage, that the monster died ...
And don't forget sneaky miniguns ... I sometimes don't notice other players tagging monsters I'm looking at with mini's until I turn around and see them with it.
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03/30/2006 05:12:36
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
Yes I know monsters can still die by poison but I cant give a definite answer as to why. I would have to look at the source code again but I suspect there is a minimum damage of 1 on anything that happens.
I wouldn't say it is a rounding error though because typically RPG doesnt round any numbers. When you set the exp/level req to a percentage it always drops and numbers behind a decimal point in its calculations. That's why I suspect there is a minimum damage of 1 associated with poison.
03/30/2006 11:30:42
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
v0rTeX wrote:
Yes I know monsters can still die by poison but I cant give a definite answer as to why. I would have to look at the source code again but I suspect there is a minimum damage of 1 on anything that happens.
I wouldn't say it is a rounding error though because typically RPG doesnt round any numbers. When you set the exp/level req to a percentage it always drops and numbers behind a decimal point in its calculations. That's why I suspect there is a minimum damage of 1 associated with poison.
So it's a percentage of current health, as opposed to base health. Interesting. Bust out the annuity calculator!
03/30/2006 12:42:06
Joined: 03/04/2006 13:40:23
Messages: 350
Erm, Vortex, not to disrespect, but I did the math on the code too, and a +4 Poison drains 10% of their health.
1.3^3 = 2.197
2.197 * 0.05 = 0.10985 = 10.985% ~= 10%
Do you have a different formula?
03/30/2006 12:45:14
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
Times 4 because it is each seconds.
03/30/2006 12:53:04
Joined: 03/04/2006 13:40:23
Messages: 350
If he were doing that, it would be...
0.9^4 = 0.3439 = 34.39% ~= 34%