Joined: 12/19/2004 20:45:34
Messages: 234
Location: San Marcos, TX
I would like it if there was a column in the F3 screen that showed how much damage has been done per weapon... I want to know how close I get to Combo Master.
What I would really like is for the Lightning Rod to do more's not very effective seeing as I turn it on at 150 adren and let it drain and all the monsters around me are still alive and not even in yellow health
I could have just used the Triple Damage and taken out the whole lot in less than half my adren I would use to "damage" the same lot for all my adren so it makes it seem worthless really...
LW players rely on hitting monsters/vamp to gain health.
That's not entirely true. I use my trans quite a bit to run away to a safe spot and gain some health back. I see a lot of other LW players do the same thing. That's actually where I got the idea from, was watching other players go set their trans somewhere and go fight till they were almost dead, and trans out of harms way.
A wise monkey is a monkey who doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.
The only time I made a mistake is when I thought I made a mistake.
After partying all night Chuck Norris doesn't throw up; Chuck throws down!