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Joined: 05/03/2005 17:29:09
Messages: 24

I'll post my picture after i get out of class at 10 tonight.But pyro you know who you look like in that picture.The woman that playes in "TWISTER".Ohh and get yourself over to belkin.com and pick up a n52 you will love it

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
Messages: 573
Location: Victoria, TX

Titanium.wombaT wrote:
Love you hunny!  

Well TW, I love you too.

But it would never work between us.....

you see......

I'm married.

--->Dun Dun Dun<------

---> Chyster ducks behind a pillar to avoid thrown objects <------

Just kiddin' TW. Oh, and thanx for clearin' up who you were talkin' about with all that mushy stuff. I've got a reputation to uphold ya know.

If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen.
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

Skillzilla wrote:
I'll post my picture after i get out of class at 10 tonight.But pyro you know who you look like in that picture.The woman that playes in "TWISTER".Ohh and get yourself over to belkin.com and pick up a n52 you will love it

Helen Hunt?!!! lmao i wish! You know i really wish i looked like...Robin Write! she played in The Princess Bride, Forest Gump, Mol Flanders But thats funny you mentioned that, i LOVE that movie!! Wombat says i watch it too much But Phillip Seymour Hoffman makes the movie!! Hes the one that plays Dusty. Anyways, i would love to see a pic of you Skill!

As for what Chyster said...sheesh..you broke his heart...now i have to deal with him!! men...

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
Messages: 573
Location: Victoria, TX

If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen.
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

mmmm.... Helen Hunt. She was great in As Good As It Gets, and Pay It Forward.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.


Joined: 10/02/2005 20:49:21
Messages: 12

Hey PyRo
i see the resemblence you bear to Beetlejuice now, except his hair isn't as wild as yours.
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/27/2005 11:46:50
Messages: 899
Location: When I find out, you will be the second to know

You look totally fine Pyro!! You know what I keep telling you over and over

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/27/2005 11:46:50
Messages: 899
Location: When I find out, you will be the second to know

Chyster wrote:
Well, I don't do the picture thing much. Went to a family reunion and got one of myself and my youngest daughter (11). At least now yall know what I look like.


Good picture of you two Chyster! You said you lived in Texas, right? I used to live near Dallas for about seven years. Not a bad place, actually.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits
My Skin:

Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

solver7 wrote:
Hey PyRo
i see the resemblence you bear to Beetlejuice now, except his hair isn't as wild as yours.

HA!!! someone who actually sees what i see!!!!

cpl said:

mmmm.... Helen Hunt. She was great in As Good As It Gets, and Pay It Forward

lol yes she was awesome! i havent found a movie with her in it that i dont like.

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

aim icon

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

I didn't like Mad About You, but that wasn't a movie.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
Messages: 573
Location: Victoria, TX

Chameleon wrote:
Good picture of you two Chyster! You said you lived in Texas, right? I used to live near Dallas for about seven years. Not a bad place, actually.

Yup, its Texas alright. Forests, praries, deserts and swamps. We got it all. Well maybe except for the frozen tundra, but if you catch the panhandle at the right time of year, you'd swear we got that too.

Dallas huh, I'm stuck halfway 'tween Houston and Corpus Christi in Victoria. Not too far from there, but far enough that you'd hafta pack a lunch...or two.

If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen.
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Joined: 05/03/2005 17:29:09
Messages: 24

::::Alert Alert:::: This just in my pictures are here come and take a look at your own risk....Pictures are of me and my wife at wedding day tell me what ya think...
 Filename scan00012.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description View at your own risk
 Filesize 148 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  313 time(s)


Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/28/2005 11:20:42
Messages: 1149
Location: the waiting room for the recently deceased

Awww!!! beautiful!! Very nice pic Skill! Your wife is very pretty! Thank you for sharing with us!

Sand worms...ya hate em right?!

aim icon

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/27/2005 11:46:50
Messages: 899
Location: When I find out, you will be the second to know

Skillzilla wrote:
::::Alert Alert:::: This just in my pictures are here come and take a look at your own risk....Pictures are of me and my wife at wedding day tell me what ya think... 

Nice picture of you two Skill!! How long ago did you two get married?

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits
My Skin:

Joined: 05/03/2005 17:29:09
Messages: 24

It will be 3 yrs in april OMG!
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