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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

I'll have to just pick one eventually - as I haven't really kept track of my score (only my xp, and I've stopped doing that) ... and don't have a screen cap, unfortunately.

But I have to relate this experience I had yesterday - that amounted to my best and worst game ever ...

We were playing (I think) DM-DE-Osiris2. Decent map. I started out with a range 9 flak - think it was given to me (Thanks MeatMedic?). Didn't expect to last too long ...

Made it through wave 12. Had a solid hold on first place at well over 700 points. Was happy - figured I had lasted longer than I would have usually with a rage flak - especially when I was using the triple from time to time with it.

Died on 13. Figured "Well, it was fun while it lasted, but the only way I'll keep that up is with at least a shock 10 vorpal or a flak 5." Lo and behold, I start 14 with a vorp 10 shok and someone's handing out flak 5s. I'm only momentarily thrown off with my good luck - I head out, into the open area, ready to kick some titan butt ...

Mystic claims he doesn't know what happened ... but I'd say at least 3 players died to something resembling a deemer, and I don't think Mystic died. I, of course, was one of them.

Okay, all hope is not lost - the flak 5 should still be out there, and hey - Jackaroo says he has my vorp shok.

15 begins and I start out with a +4 inf flak. Don't want it to go to waste, so I offer it to people. Newbs that unfortunately don't know where the flak is, and for a level that tends to be easier than the ones before or after, it was a rough wave 15 ...

I do a decent job of defending myself on 15, didn't die, but don't think I struck many killing blows ... Jackaroo has been using the shok and is creeping up on me. Amazingly, I'm still in first ...

Dump the inf flak between 15 and 16 - need that 5 bad. Get my vorp back, get the 5 flak. Run away from the flak, and promptly get stepped on by a titan. Squish. I don't mean rocked; I mean, he dropped down from a passage above and behind me, and squish.

Mystic took the time to laugh at me via text chat. Gee, thanks.

End the game with 715 pts. I think Jackaroo made it to 745.

Mystic was doing well last night, btw. From what I can tell, while playing DM-Plunge, someone rated a kicking and the last thing I saw was "Mystic signs on as an admin" and my UT2K4 froze. Hard. Had to kill the process. Others report having to reboot, or GPFs. From what I saw, Mystic was the only one that survived, and it was wave 16 when I signed on. I think that rates at least a record of "Most players crashed." Probably something like 21 or so at least. Does it change a player's textures or skin when they become admin? Skin issues have been known to crash UT before ...

Then he forgets he's admin and votes for a small map (the one with the three green goop pits and the two main rooms), and since he's admin, that's where we end up. 20 - 23 people on - by wave 16 there was some evil lag or low frame rates. Surprising for such a small map. Probably had to do with the number of folks on. Elevators killed many - me twice.

"It's not my fault!"

That doesn't mean we still don't want to amputate a few fingers.

EDIT 2/21/06: Added new high score image: 981 - but it was a small ONS map so I dunno how valid you'd think it is. Most of the score was probably from the fact that I was first on for a while. Everyone else had to download the map.


I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
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Killing Spree

Joined: 10/27/2005 11:02:14
Messages: 35
Location: Tucson, Arizona

I passed my own score today...I was happy
 Filename Shot00120.bmp [Disk] Download
 Description Points
 Filesize 900 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  270 time(s)

 Filename Shot00119.bmp [Disk] Download
 Description Stats
 Filesize 900 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  256 time(s)

SiLvErMoNkEy - Level 90 Weapons Master
Zangetsu - Level 37 Adrenaline Master
SiLvErSuMmOnEr - Level 22 Monster Master
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 04/02/2005 23:06:12
Messages: 947
Location: My own little world

Here's my new one!!

 Filename Shot00004.JPG [Disk] Download
 Filesize 146 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  273 time(s)

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body. But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO what a ride!"

My Awesome Skin

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 06/12/2005 20:15:17
Messages: 513
Location: Utah

so close!!!!
 Filename Shot00104.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 78 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  265 time(s)

A wise monkey is a monkey who doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.

The only time I made a mistake is when I thought I made a mistake.

After partying all night Chuck Norris doesn't throw up; Chuck throws down!

Loaded Weapons: [WMD]Hobo_Joe lvl: 389
Medic: Hobo_Healer lvl: 101
Loaded Artifact: LA_Hobo lvl:71
Engineer: enJOEneer lvl:110
No-Class: the_hobonator lvl:54
Monster Master: Summoner_Joe lvl:42

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

Compared to many of you it's not alot, but it's my highest yet, and I got my first godlike and head hunter.
Edited: beat it by like 50 pts.
 Filename Shot00427-Drakonis Mortis.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 196 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  250 time(s)

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****

***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

IM:atvnj at hotmail.com
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

Was wondering, is there a way to change the screenshot settings in the game to save it as a jpeg?

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****

***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

IM:atvnj at hotmail.com
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/31/2005 17:04:57
Messages: 508
Location: Northern Indiana

emetakleze wrote:
Was wondering, is there a way to change the screenshot settings in the game to save it as a jpeg? 

I'll look around for that.

Right now I use Windows picture and fax viewer to browse my screenshots and when I find one I like, the viewer has the ability to save it as a JPG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, or PNG.

You mean I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?

My skin

My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure
My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD
My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

Oh, I can convert them. (I use MGI photo studio) it's just a pain sometimes cause you have to convert, and if it's been a while since I've cleaned out my screenshot directory, its really really big.

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****

***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

IM:atvnj at hotmail.com
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/31/2005 17:04:57
Messages: 508
Location: Northern Indiana

Here's an automatic screenshot convertor for unreal tournament 2004.


The convertor runs in the system tray (lower right corner of the screen) and
it detects when ut2004 is running. After ut2004 is closed down the program will convert the bitmaps to JPG and move them optionaly to another directory.
All this is done in the background so u won't notice a thing. And it doesn't
interfere with the game since it only does any work when ut 2004 is closed down!

I've tried it and it works pretty good. Upon exit of ut2k4 it WILL convert all BMPs into JPG though.

You mean I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?

My skin

My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure
My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD
My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

excellent, thank you fodder!

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****

***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

IM:atvnj at hotmail.com
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Joined: 08/29/2005 00:01:30
Messages: 25

Here is my highest Dare Devil, did it on ONS Tricky in a hell bender, with my wife in the passanger seat.
 Filename Shot00005.bmp [Disk] Download
 Filesize 1406 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  97 time(s)

You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of TEN THOUSAND FISTS in the Air!!!!

You cannot kill what you did not create.
[Yahoo!] [MSN]

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

While not quite high enough for a record ... I have my first 1000+ score today, brought to you by a wave 6 with the triple and a vorp 10 avril. Died like on 12 with a bit to go - but knew by then I was going to get there ... and now both my "high score" and "high score invasion" scores are the same (previously, my absolute high score was on a VINV/ONS map).


Two maps later we played an ONS on Primevil and I got a higher score ... by three points. So:

High Score: 1166
High Score Stats!

Hig Score-INV: 1163
High Score Stats-INV

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
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MM: (DC)BotDoctor 141
AM: (DC)BotBooster 147
http://ericdives.com/ - My DC Newbie FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/lz229
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ericdives
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/20/2006 15:59:35
Messages: 713

Here is my highest yet. 710 in tundra classic. Level 20 Medic-

I died only once on the map, on the last wave.

I think that my multikiller is broken, I killed aliens by the score and only got ONE, and I know that I should have got at least 5 or 6

Ahh well, more than happy with my skill level improving
 Filename Shot00011.JPG [Disk] Download
 Description Tundra-
 Filesize 105 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  261 time(s)

Core 2 DUO @ 4.1Ghz Grizzled_AM AM 43
Nvidia 9800 1g Grizzled_EMT. MM 85
4gb mem Grizzled_LW WM 87
Grizzled_EN EN 64
A drop of knowledge is more powerful than a sea of force~ unknown

Joined: 07/08/2005 13:32:45
Messages: 10

Here is my high score, 698 in Liandri 2004. I haven't been able to play too much recently due to classes (engineering is hard :-). I got this score on 2-22-2006 and hopefully will be able to beat it soon... perhaps when mystic isn't stealing all the points :-)

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

Just when I thought I had something that might get me back on the top scorers table, I look at the scores that haven't been put on the table yet and notice that I'm still not there ... but anyway, new high score, on an INV map: 1468!

High Score

Note that FodderFigure was on the map too! He did leave and come back in - originally he had a score well above mine. Blade showed up a little later ... and carried us to the end.

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
WM: (DC)BotFodder 170
MM: (DC)BotDoctor 141
AM: (DC)BotBooster 147
http://ericdives.com/ - My DC Newbie FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/lz229
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ericdives
[WWW] aim icon [MSN]
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