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Joined: 11/05/2010 16:07:35
Messages: 134

4 null entropy weapons = fireball bonanza.

05/02/2011: Shield gun kill record broken!

Level 154, Skilled Weapons subclass. I can die a happy man.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 06/09/2008 23:49:41
Messages: 615
Location: Mexico

ohh guys i mis you.. life is good, but still i like to hang out with old farts like demon and dom ( with all the respect of course)
and of course the those new talented!!

Btw locrian, in Extreme AM do as follow ( get your self to the insane

0) (yes this is important but not a must do, search under my name for my keyboard config. and see how i did to map my beam and bolt. its just insane)
0.1) sadly all my pics where no weapons used on AM where deleted when i deleted Ut2k4

1)Craft a protection translocator. (preatty important, dont craft any other weapon, try to archive it, by any means. (if you are in wave 5 and you still dont got it, leave it for now you need to use beam and bolt in titan wave)

2) by this point probably engis have set a base, as early as possible get in the base. and just trow a damage sphere in base,then just get out the base in wave 6 let base some (few) titans, so they feel important. kill more titans, your damage sphere is giving you exp, and at the same time it increase your damage on beam and bolt.

3)just kill titans use beam. bolt if there are few titans. dont botter with weapons

4) gather more adren and max your protec trans, if you get more adren just +1 it, very useful.

5) wave 10 rod just rod it.

6) wave 12 if you have the translocator as i said nothing to worry, if new people die, the game gets harder, dont hesitate to use mega blaast or trow your self into the action in the middle of warlords with nothing than pure glove of Invulnerability

7)dont die, and remember keep doing the drill every wave, trow a damage sphere in base and run out of base, always. dont boter with weapons


4.1) use fireball when the wave is under 12 you one shoot kill warlords with it. (insane uh?) yes overpowered a little..

"Only a few find the way, some don't recognise it when they do, some don't ever want to."

Cheshire, The Cat

Alice and the Hatter: Quotes: Alice in Wonderland
Alice: What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month, and it doesn't tell what o'clock it is!
The Hatter: Why should it? Does your watch tell you what year it is?
Alice: Of course not, but that's because it stays the same year for such a long time together.
The Hatter: …which is just the case with mine.

HERE IS MY NEW SKIN ... please take time to download it

thanks road

working on a new skill please support and advice would be great


Joined: 11/05/2010 16:07:35
Messages: 134

Thanks for the tips, Hatter. Spectating you and Cyber Ryoxei a while back cemented the idea to always have a trans out as an EAM in my head; making a protection one was a no brainer. When I play EAM (haven't posted any of my high scores using the subclass since I feel they come way too easily for the amount of work I put in) I pretty much do every one of those steps except using rod on wave 10. And on wave 12 I usually have a damage sphere going at the base and trans to the other side of the map. Using chain lightning on a crowd of warlords with the sphere is brutally effective. If warlords didn't fall at such a fast rate between beam and chain spamming, then energy shield 3 is pretty much an emergency globe anyway. And at 100 adren a pop, how can I not use Mega blast whenever I get the chance?

I admittedly haven't been using EAM as much as I probably should, but I just find it too easy to live and too easy to kill with it. I have to get pretty creative with normal AM to get a good score, like using berserk + triple + good flak/link + fireball on titan waves, but with EAM the fanciest I get is just triple + fireball or sphere + beam/chain lightning. I'm not necessarily looking for a great score as much as I'm looking to have fun, and not being challenged just isn't fun to me.

Update (5/27/11): I broke 4k this morning with extreme AM (no rod). I'll hold off on making an "official" post until I can at least break 3k with the normal AM class, as I don't feel like I've really earned that score by using this subclass. This illustrates my point about EAM being too easy; no way could I get a score like this facing monsters at my current level (189) with normal AM. But that's a topic for another thread...


Joined: 11/05/2010 16:07:35
Messages: 134

This isn't mine (obviously), but I just had to share this: a level 21 engineer breaking 1200 without using a turret or vehicle:

I didn't take a cap of his/her F3 stats, but I did look at them, and all he/she used was the eng link (with 1 rocket launcher kill). The score passed 1400 during wave 14, but unfortunately the player died and crashed, so this is the only record of his/her amazing score.

Update (05-28-2011): Almost matched my AM high score with my WM, and beat my old shield gun kill record by 22!

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 03/18/2006 12:10:27
Messages: 2151
Location: Colorful Colorado

Good for Mashed. Goes to show you that I still the lousiest player around.

Let us not fool ourselves into thinking we went to the Moon because we are pioneers, or discoverers, or adventurers. We went to the Moon because it was the militaristically expedient thing to do. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it....Autograph your work with excellence. Author Unknown



My skin is Graah, a reincarnation of an ancient African warrior mixed with the soul of a lion,
download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/2843.page
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Joined: 05/25/2011 18:17:19
Messages: 7

Locrian wrote:
This isn't mine (obviously), but I just had to share this: a level 21 engineer breaking 1200 without using a turret or vehicle:

I didn't take a cap of his/her F3 stats, but I did look at them, and all he/she used was the eng link (with 1 rocket launcher kill). The score passed 1400 during wave 14, but unfortunately the player died and crashed, so this is the only record of his/her amazing score. 

That is bad ass. Hate to face them in a deathmatch.


Joined: 11/05/2010 16:07:35
Messages: 134

Finally broke 3k with normal AM.

Vorp shock 6, vanilla link 5, piercing flak 6, and energy mini 3... I was in heaven. And the rod makes its first (and hopefully last) appearance because I accidentally turned it on while trying to use chain lightning.

Killing Spree

Joined: 06/30/2010 12:36:28
Messages: 55



Killing Spree

Joined: 06/30/2010 12:36:28
Messages: 55

Just to comment,
I broke this score again on Killbilly Barn setting a record of 15k exp extreme medic. I think the exact figure was 14991 exp.
However, I could not upload a print screen of this because my computer decided not to work... it produced a blank picture of my print screen.
Nevertheless, if anybody wishes to question the score, ask szlat as the score will now be in my data.


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 09/30/2006 16:10:39
Messages: 931
Location: NorCal is currant home

Suurrrreee it is DF

I may be getting old and falling apart but I can sure can raise Hell and have fun doing it!


Joined: 06/10/2011 21:05:04
Messages: 168
Location: IL, USA

Here's my close-to high score. My actual high score was more recent, but I had a problem with the screenshotinator.
[Thumb - Unreal 2004 RPG Invasion High Score.jpg]
 Filename Unreal 2004 RPG Invasion High Score.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 55 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  257 time(s)

Weapon Master: Draconyx
Adrenaline Master: PuffTheMagicDragon
Medic/Monster Master: Dragon7350
Engineer: Dragonark
General: Dragonlance

Get the DC Invasion program HERE.
I use the custom character skin "Arkos." Get it HERE.
If you want your own custom skin (and you have played at least 3 months on the DC server), post a new thread on the forums containing your request. (As of June 2013)
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 11/05/2010 16:07:35
Messages: 134

^ That's a level 82-ish medic, by the way. Nice going!

New record for my WM, and his first accidental bingo:

Obviously, this is after changing my playing style to using ranged weapons. The transition was quite painless thanks to Elite, Ghost, shimmynshake, blade_tx, and Ryoxei, from whom I've learned a great deal by spectating, and to 320's strategies thread (still a must-read for any WM, IMO).
Flak Monkey

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 08/24/2006 12:21:41
Messages: 1098
Location: Land of great Cheese and Beer

I'm gunna save time by not putting up an image. But reached a high score the other day on Toy Story of 3116 with HP of 4775. Not my highest XP but beat out my old 3k score by almost 100. Of course, I didn't get BINGO...I'm always missing Headhunter. Just never think of it...

My current skin After several other skins, I have reverted back to Bender.

Flak Monkey -> Berserker ( 818 )
Flak Junkie -> AM (60)
Monkey Wrench -> Engineer (27)

Favorite quotes:

"It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again."

"Every morning is the dawn of a new error"

"But why is the rum gone?"

"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and doesn't stop until you get to the office." - Robert Frost

"Beer has some Food value, but Food has no Beer value."


Joined: 11/05/2010 16:07:35
Messages: 134

I was holding off on posting my subclass high scores, since I was under the impression they were still a work in progress. But there doesn't seem to be any changes planned to weaken the ones I played, so why not...

Extreme WM: (Updated on 08-09-2011)

Also got a bingo with this one.


F3 Stats


F3 Stats

Extreme AM:

And for a change of pace... F3 stats!


Joined: 06/10/2011 21:05:04
Messages: 168
Location: IL, USA

Achieved on my Medic (Dragon7350) level ~90 on Forbidden Temple.

Weapon Master: Draconyx
Adrenaline Master: PuffTheMagicDragon
Medic/Monster Master: Dragon7350
Engineer: Dragonark
General: Dragonlance

Get the DC Invasion program HERE.
I use the custom character skin "Arkos." Get it HERE.
If you want your own custom skin (and you have played at least 3 months on the DC server), post a new thread on the forums containing your request. (As of June 2013)
[Email] [Yahoo!]
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