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Heavy Armour  XML
Forum Index -> Druids RPG
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Joined: 05/31/2008 05:21:22
Messages: 145

I have had an idea for a new skill which could be called something along the lines of "heavy armour".

At the moment, vehicle and turret specialists are great if you have a linker and someone to put up defencive sentinels. However, if you are alone on the map, or there arn't any other engineers on, you die very fast on waves 12+. And titans just laugh at you.

My idea was to have a skill that decreases the damage taken in a turret or vehicle, unless you have a linker. It could work as a total damage reduction of say 2% per level. But as soon as someone is linking you, the damage reduction is lost. OR it could work so that the damage reduction increases more depending on the damage taken. For example, being shot by a krall, you would have 2% DR, but being hit by a titan rock you would have 60% DR. I cant explain it very well, but what im trying to get at is that it could have an individual DR for individual damage, so you could survive a Titan wave due to the high DR against a titans rock. This means you could last the game without a linker, which is currently pretty much essential for the success of the turret master.

((> > F8_Al < <))- level 159 engineer

My skin: http://skincity.beyondunreal.com/index.php?section=models&action=show_infos&id=474

You will also need this to see it online: http://disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/4274.page


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 06/09/2008 23:49:41
Messages: 615
Location: Mexico

i did get our idea, sonds good to me

mm to improve your idea, why not this

a table of damage

so insted a reduction by monster type, why not

reduction by damage amout..

"Only a few find the way, some don't recognise it when they do, some don't ever want to."

Cheshire, The Cat

Alice and the Hatter: Quotes: Alice in Wonderland
Alice: What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month, and it doesn't tell what o'clock it is!
The Hatter: Why should it? Does your watch tell you what year it is?
Alice: Of course not, but that's because it stays the same year for such a long time together.
The Hatter: …which is just the case with mine.

HERE IS MY NEW SKIN ... please take time to download it

thanks road

working on a new skill please support and advice would be great
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