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Killing Spree

Joined: 08/19/2005 23:07:35
Messages: 49
Location: san antonio

JamesIX wrote:

BotFodder wrote:

JamesIX wrote:
IMO no record got during the double XP should count. it was WAY to EASY to just get adrenaline and let it run non stop.

How is that fair to anyone who's got a legitamate record in the past who didn't have the luxary of running their artifacts non-stop?

i think any records broken during this time should be called "Special Circumstance Double XP Records" but thats it JMO 

If you read the first post on this page, and one or two on the page before, you'll see that records/bingo were suspended during double XP. 

how do you suspend records? as far as i can tell you can't. you could've still brought up stats and take screenshots during double xp right?

oh well doesn't matter i guess, cause nothing really can be done. i mean anyone who broke a record during that time all they have to do is post NOW and say "oh yea , I just scored 3500 points yesterday" or "i just got 400 flak kills right now" see what i mean?

i would bet a number of records were broken during "double xp" and people are just waiting to post em. oh well i guess


I was thinking the same thing James, but most of the screen shots like the rocket record I posted the other day shows what level the player was at when the screen was taken, so if the player level was 100 when the screen was taken and now the player is at 130 then it would probably mean that the record was broken during the double XP. Any way no records other than the rocket and trans have changed and not even double XP will help you with the trans record.
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Killing Spree

Joined: 11/29/2005 22:44:00
Messages: 37

Broke the goo gun kills last night


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Killing Spree

Joined: 03/13/2005 13:49:56
Messages: 42

blade_TX wrote:

JamesIX wrote:

BotFodder wrote:

JamesIX wrote:
IMO no record got during the double XP should count. it was WAY to EASY to just get adrenaline and let it run non stop.

How is that fair to anyone who's got a legitamate record in the past who didn't have the luxary of running their artifacts non-stop?

i think any records broken during this time should be called "Special Circumstance Double XP Records" but thats it JMO 

If you read the first post on this page, and one or two on the page before, you'll see that records/bingo were suspended during double XP. 

how do you suspend records? as far as i can tell you can't. you could've still brought up stats and take screenshots during double xp right?

oh well doesn't matter i guess, cause nothing really can be done. i mean anyone who broke a record during that time all they have to do is post NOW and say "oh yea , I just scored 3500 points yesterday" or "i just got 400 flak kills right now" see what i mean?

i would bet a number of records were broken during "double xp" and people are just waiting to post em. oh well i guess


I was thinking the same thing James, but most of the screen shots like the rocket record I posted the other day shows what level the player was at when the screen was taken, so if the player level was 100 when the screen was taken and now the player is at 130 then it would probably mean that the record was broken during the double XP. Any way no records other than the rocket and trans have changed and not even double XP will help you with the trans record.  

good point. yea i didn't even notice you could see levels in the background. thats cool. so we will be able to see if by any chanbe someone is trying to pull one over

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
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JamesIX wrote:
how do you suspend records? as far as i can tell you can't. you could've still brought up stats and take screenshots during double xp right? 

Someone with enough time and photo shop could claim they were on at some odd hour and broke an amazing record. But then there's probably going to be someone on that can verify I guess.

Really, it's all just honor system. You'll notice that with the records it's mostly the same folks, or at least folks who could concievably break a record (Angel being famous for using the RL and MeatMedic begs for Bios on maps he can't find the bio on).

I could post my bingo and say I got it - but then the only time I've really gotten it is during double XP. I wouldn't do that, and anyone who would probably already has a shady reputation.

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Killing Spree

Joined: 09/11/2005 07:46:05
Messages: 38



The first time I tried for the BINGO I came real close, FRO my m8 helped me with checking on what was needed, as I had never really checked. Then the next two consecutive maps I came real close again, both maps I was short of 1 award to complete. Things started to go bad after that!. After having a good nights rest I got up and turned on my P.C. to get the BINGO on the first map I played. WOO WHOO

P.S. Thankyou James

Everytime I looked arround there he was!, Like a bad smell!. I'd see a Nali and I would get close enough to kiss it when! THWACK James a.k.a POOPY DIAPERS Pitbull would shield them into Oblivion

There having a sale on Cheerios at my local supermarket James

Your friendly neighborhood Oooster!


Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232

deleted see below

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605

Re: cheating. So far, this has not been a problem. This is all for fun.

Most of the cheating scenarios that could occur (like exploits) are covered under the server rules, and not my problem, (and certainly not within my authority to police.)

You know why professional sports have 150-page rule books? Because those sports need to try and account for every cheating possibility. People HAVE cheated, so they had to make a rule. If the community of players don't cheat, there's no need to burden people with a thick rulebook.

If you suspect that there is problem, drop me a PM and I'll look into it, anonymously on your behalf, if need be.

Again, remember, it's all in fun.

Killing Spree

Joined: 09/11/2005 07:46:05
Messages: 38


A great way arround cheating would be for a witness to come forward and corrobarate the record. I already have one, hehe Grizzled_Imposter

Your friendly neighborhood Oooster!

Killing Spree

Joined: 08/19/2005 23:07:35
Messages: 49
Location: san antonio

got MY bio record back just barley

bio -337


I know that is kind of a big number for the bio so this is for all doubters "techwarrior" wrote out my score in the text, and called me a kill hog hehehehehe.

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Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232

Maybe come back when we dont have a kill hog. Hahahaha

Killing Spree

Joined: 07/10/2005 21:19:20
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Blade's gonna have a fun time trying to beat this one I'm sure.

Translocator - 158



Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232

Assault Riffle 186
 Filename assault.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 132 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  222 time(s)


Killing Spree

Joined: 08/19/2005 23:07:35
Messages: 49
Location: san antonio

lightning 305


trans 175


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Killing Spree

Joined: 11/29/2005 22:44:00
Messages: 37

337? Nice job. >_<

I think I got the record with only 6 people on as well. sept you almost doubled my score... Or did you? I dunno, too much math to bother with. What kind of bio did you use? And I assume you ran the tripple.
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Killing Spree

Joined: 08/19/2005 23:07:35
Messages: 49
Location: san antonio

mmik wrote:
337? Nice job. >_<

I think I got the record with only 6 people on as well. sept you almost doubled my score... Or did you? I dunno, too much math to bother with. What kind of bio did you use? And I assume you ran the tripple. 

Thanks, I didnt use a tripple except on titan waves (I dont get enough adren to use it on other waves) but I had a standard infinit
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