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Joined: 02/21/2005 22:33:38
Messages: 24
Location: Muncie, IN

The main problem I keep running into is getting the Triple. For some reason they avoid me like I have the Plague. I usually get them too late in the game to catch up with what I need. That, or during the Titan waves they simply dissapear from around me when I need them. Not fun.

Also, I find having a Sturdy Shock helps a LOT, since you can just hold still while you Combo everything.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605

Wildfire wrote:
The main problem I keep running into is getting the Triple. For some reason they avoid me like I have the Plague. I usually get them too late in the game to catch up with what I need. That, or during the Titan waves they simply dissapear from around me when I need them. Not fun.

Also, I find having a Sturdy Shock helps a LOT, since you can just hold still while you Combo everything.

Yeah, in that regard, LA players have the advantage on the bingo. Not to mention being able to max weapons. You can also run the triple against lessar monsters because the adren payout is so much better, and that helps fill the spree kill gaps on the 'tween waves.

Your best bet for a triple is the early waves. If you get any bum artifacts, toss em immediately. Worst thing is to have three artifacts and then the triple drops but you miss it because you're full.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

Wahoo beat my self finally:

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

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***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

I have changed my Top Score images - now I have a set for each character:

BotFodder: 1880

BotDoctor: 982 (EDIT II, 6/14/06 - bumped it up 20 pts)

BotBooster: 854 (EDIT - bumped it up 60 pts or so same day!)

Nothing horribly high or really all that new. Just got around to posting them.

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
WM: (DC)BotFodder 170
MM: (DC)BotDoctor 141
AM: (DC)BotBooster 147
http://ericdives.com/ - My DC Newbie FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/lz229
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ericdives
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/07/2005 21:28:14
Messages: 589
Location: Da'Burgh (Pittsburgh) PA

Well, I have finally managed to play some this week, and like Dad's health, my scores have been on a bit of a roller coaster, but I have probably averaged between 700 and 800 up until last night. I had a really good game on RingBall on Jun 8th, where I scored 824, breaking my old record on a normal (e.g. not post crash) RPG setup. But I also had some where I was pitiful (note...if you browse the screen caps, remember, some games are late entries, but I do usually try to take a cap when I come in). Then last night, things just clicked...none of the monster level folks were on, I got a few things going my way, and next thing I know, I broke my old record, on Slaughterhouse of all maps, where I got a score of 918 with a godlike. So close to breaking 1000, but outside of that one time where Dru was amping the adren, I never have made it. Well...we vote on Arcane temple, which is a great DM map and one we played often during our lunch and after-work sessions at Bell Labs here in Columbus. But for INV, it never really did click, until last night. Not only did I turn around and break my old record once again...I kinda shattered it and the 1000 point barrier. I had a score of 1226 and I even got a wicked sick!! Don't think I have gotten one of those on DC before. It was only about 20 seconds or so before the end of the wave before I died. Wonder what I will do over the next few days. Well, another 19226xp, and I will finally max out Energy Leech! Let's see... roughly 1000xp per game, 20 games, 4 games a night........

*BEL*_e (spacey), BEL Clan General -- You Frag em, I'll Slag em!
LA -- *BEL*_e (level 283 - Extreme AM), LW -- *BEL*_o (level 26) MM - ?? ( *BEL*_Rolaids ?? *BEL*DrWho??, Engineer... *BEL*BS_E_E [BSEE '89, Ohio U] (level 22)

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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/31/2005 17:04:57
Messages: 508
Location: Northern Indiana

Medic Character 994

You mean I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?

My skin

My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure
My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD
My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA


Joined: 01/23/2006 22:13:50
Messages: 301
Location: Twin Cities, MN (aka frozen tundra)

Beat my highest by 8 points - 1444

Summit Extra Pale Ale....the best beer known to man.

My skin: http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks.php/skincity/ut2k4/boid_ut2k4.zip

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

Update - BotDoctor broke 1000!

EDIT 6/16/06: BD hit level 74 and got a new high score!
EDIT 6/18/06: BD got an even higher high score, and then next map, so did BB!

BotFodder: 1880

BotDoctor: 1177 (EDITED 20060618: was 1144) (EDITED 20060616: was 1025)

BotBooster: 979 (EDITED 20060618: was 854)

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
WM: (DC)BotFodder 170
MM: (DC)BotDoctor 141
AM: (DC)BotBooster 147
http://ericdives.com/ - My DC Newbie FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/lz229
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ericdives
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 11/07/2005 10:47:40
Messages: 637
Location: Florida

My best score so far....Finally got Wicked Sick!!! YAY!

My apologies to Fodder for posting this origanly in the wrong area...



A True Friend Stabs You In The Front!

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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/31/2005 17:04:57
Messages: 508
Location: Northern Indiana

UntamedSub wrote:
My best score so far....Finally got Wicked Sick!!! YAY!

My apologies to Fodder for posting this origanly in the wrong area...

I wasn't offended Nice scores.

You mean I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?

My skin

My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure
My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD
My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA


Joined: 02/12/2006 13:46:09
Messages: 413
Location: New York City

Woo Hoo
 Filename rknhs3.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description 1398...was healed only once by dip42
 Filesize 98 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  223 time(s)

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

Left to his own devices, BotBooster *can* break 1000 (1034, up from 979).

BotFodder: 1880

BotDoctor: 1177

BotBooster: 1045 (EDIT 7/19: was 1034)

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
WM: (DC)BotFodder 170
MM: (DC)BotDoctor 141
AM: (DC)BotBooster 147
http://ericdives.com/ - My DC Newbie FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/lz229
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ericdives
[WWW] aim icon [MSN]


Joined: 02/12/2006 13:46:09
Messages: 413
Location: New York City

New High Score...thanks all who helped
[Thumb - rknhs4a.jpg]
 Filename rknhs4a.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description New High...1828
 Filesize 29 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  217 time(s)

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida

BotBooster takes a Rage 10 Flak and blows by BotDoctor! Even comes close to surviving the whole map with it

BotFodder: 1880

BotDoctor: 1177

BotBooster: 1262

I use the Futurama Prof. Farnsworth Skin: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1595.page
WM: (DC)BotFodder 170
MM: (DC)BotDoctor 141
AM: (DC)BotBooster 147
http://ericdives.com/ - My DC Newbie FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/lz229
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ericdives
[WWW] aim icon [MSN]

Joined: 07/30/2006 20:13:17
Messages: 29

Finaly got wicked sick.

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