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Freezing Effect is weird.  XML
Forum Index -> UT2004 DisastrousConsequences.com
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Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232

Last week or maybe it was 2 weeks ago, the freezing effect of Freezing Guns were very Fluid. It was like a Slowfoot effect -20.

At the moment, when a mob is frozen or when we freeze ourself, the move if very jerked, Making mobs even harder to hit, they teleport from left to right.

So is this only on my computer or everyone else have this behavior?
Or its a change on the Freezing effect that gonna stay as is (I hope not)?

Sorry if its a bug you already on Druid.


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/21/2005 14:31:28
Messages: 1099
Location: Brick City

I noticed the same thing... It's definately changed from the original freezing, the motion actually makes me dizzy so I've been trying to give the freezing weapons away. I don't think it's in the null though because I've used that a lot lately and haven't noticed any change like the freezing has
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

The null still works as it always has, but yeah the freezing seems to have been tweaked.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605

It's changed for me as well. Maybe we're not frozen but slipping on ice?


Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232

It's changed for me as well. Maybe we're not frozen but slipping on ice?

But it makes it like mobs are dodging faster because they "blink". Left, Right, Left, Right. I dont know if you already tryed that on ice, but you gonna end up on the floor

IT has to be a bug, not a tweak. /pray

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

It's not supposed to be this way. I'll look into it.

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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

Dum Dum Dahhhhhhh!

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
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