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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

well, to be honest for me that would be a worst case scenario, best case being the removal of the regular summoning charm altogether.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

I cast my vote with cpl, ditch the regular summon charm imho.

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****

***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

IM:atvnj at hotmail.com
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Killing Spree

Joined: 01/31/2005 01:24:13
Messages: 45

I would think just increasing the minimum level of monster would be good enough. Or make it take from the maximum level of monster possible rather than a random one. I like getting the fat rocket guys from the summoning charms


Joined: 02/02/2005 12:58:20
Messages: 142

I wonder what happened to summoning a pet Titan or queen?

"Kimi no shi ni bashou wa koko da!"
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:35:28
Messages: 861
Location: SLC, Utah

The titans kept spawning on their owners and squishing them. As for the queens, I think it had to do with all their little children running around.

I'm wondering what it will take for my country to rise,
First we admit our mistakes, then we open our eyes
--Ani Difranco

My skin: http://www.ut2003hq.com/pafiledb2/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=5094

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

Yeah, the Titans were my fault. I blazed some new trail and learned that if you were at elevation or crouching your titans would periodically spawn on top of you, and to make matters worse this would usually kill the titan as well. As for the Queens, pet Queens were having a problem oversummoning crickets especially on small maps. Cool thing was though, when you walked over one of your queens crickets it healed you. Anyways, the problem with the summoning charm is only partially the caliber of monster you get, the main problem is pet spam. Clogging radar, doorways, and elevators. I always knew spam was deadly. To much salt.

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/02/2005 18:15:15
Messages: 1241
Location: north east, ny.

Its not so much the salt that gets you man, its that brain jelly that encases the, uh, "meat" that does me in, uhallllaaahhh nasty.

****"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."**** -Batty

****On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?****

***Though I cannot corrupt that which is by nature already corrupt, I can and do change the nature of the corruption***

IM:atvnj at hotmail.com
[Email] [MSN]

Joined: 02/16/2005 15:00:31
Messages: 5

i can't wait!

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

Sorry I haven't finished this up et everyone. Shan is approaching finals week which means I pick up more maintenance of everything, and she does non-stop homework.

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star

Joined: 02/06/2005 19:30:36
Messages: 117

Its kewl man. Shan, sis, get it done right woman.

*~* The Great
And Almighty
Cha-Chi *~*

Killing Spree

Joined: 01/21/2005 14:06:46
Messages: 48

Hmm, someone mentioned the summoning charm changes I made a few posts up, here's what I did.....

Summon Charm: summons up to 2 regular invasion monsters, does not break.

Enhanced Summon Charm: summons Top end invasion monsters (ie: Warlord), breaks upon use.

Special Summon Charm: summons various INV2k3 monsters, takes 100 adren, breaks upon use.

Drone Summon Charm: summons star wars drones, takes 100 adren, breaks upon use. Over level 75 get 1 drone, 50 - 74 get 2, 25 - 49 get 3, and level 24 and under get 4 drones from using the charm one time.

Here's the loaded weapon code change to make duplicate weapons disappear (like in lms where you get double every weapon)
 static function ModifyPawn(Pawn Other, int AbilityLevel)
 	local Mutator m;
 	local MutUT2004RPG RPGMut;
 	local int x, i;
 	local LoadedInv LoadedInv;
 	local inventory inv;
 	for (m = Other.Level.Game.BaseMutator; m != None; m = m.NextMutator)
 		if (MutUT2004RPG(m) != None)
 			RPGMut = MutUT2004RPG(m);
 	if(Other.FindInventoryType(class'LoadedInv') != None)
 	LoadedInv = Other.spawn(class'LoadedInv');
 	if(LoadedInv == None)
     //Pause Druid's code, Remove Given Weapons....
     for (Inv = Other.Inventory; Inv != None; Inv = Inv.Inventory) {
     for (x = 0; x <= i; x++) {
        for (Inv = Other.Inventory; Inv != None; Inv = Inv.Inventory) {
            if (inv.IsA('RPGWeapon')) {
                //other.ClientMessage("ModifiedWeapon: "$string(RPGWeapon(inv).ModifiedWeapon));
                if (!(rpgweapon(inv).modifiedweapon.isa('AssaultRifle')) &&
                    !(rpgweapon(inv).modifiedweapon.isa('Translauncher')) &&
                    !(rpgweapon(inv).modifiedweapon.isa('ShieldGun'))) {
     //Continue Druid's code
 	for(x = 0; x < default.Weapons.length; x++)
 		giveWeapon(Other, default.Weapons[x], AbilityLevel, RPGMut);
 	for(x = 0; AbilityLevel >= 2 && x < default.ONSWeapons.length; x++)
 		giveWeapon(Other, default.ONSWeapons[x], AbilityLevel, RPGMut);
 	for(x = 0; Other.Level.Game.IsA('Invasion') && AbilityLevel >= 3 && x < default.SuperWeapons.length; x++)
 		giveWeapon(Other, default.SuperWeapons[x], AbilityLevel, RPGMut);

Here's what we did with denial to stop problems with pvp and null/freezing/knockback weapons. We toyed with the idea of doing any of the weapons with a * in the name, but we're just doing it to these 3 for now. What it does: in invasion, denial is normal, in pvp games, denial level 2 no longer keeps freezing, knockback, or null weapons, but works fine on the rest.
	if (AbilityLevel > 1)
 		OldWeaponHolder = Killed.spawn(class'OldWeaponHolder',Killed.Controller);
 		OldWeaponHolder.Weapon = Killed.Weapon;
 		OldWeaponHolder.Weapon.SetOwner(Killed.Controller); //this forces the weapon to stay relevant to the player who will soon reclaim it
 		if (RPGWeapon(OldWeaponHolder.Weapon) != None)
 		OldWeaponHolder.AmmoAmounts[0] = OldWeaponHolder.Weapon.AmmoAmount(0);
 		OldWeaponHolder.AmmoAmounts[1] = OldWeaponHolder.Weapon.AmmoAmount(1);
         if ( oldweaponholder.Weapon.IsA('RW_NullEntropy') ||
              oldweaponholder.Weapon.IsA('RW_NullEntropybush') ||
              oldweaponholder.Weapon.IsA('RW_Knockback') ||
              oldweaponholder.Weapon.IsA('RW_Freeze'))  {
 		   //log("It's a NULL baby!");
 		   if ( killed.Level.Game.IsA('Invasion') == False && killed.Level.Game.IsA('UT2003Invasion') == False) {

And in that code there is a RW_NullEntropybush, that weapon is a new null weapon to replace the old one so when you shoot a vehicle, it does not make it completely unusable and undestroyable.
function NewAdjustTargetDamage(out int Damage, int OriginalDamage, Actor Victim, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)
 	local Pawn P;
 	Local NullEntropyInv Inv;
 	super.NewAdjustTargetDamage(Damage, OriginalDamage, Victim, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType);
 	if (!bIdentified)
 	Damage = Max(1, Damage * (1.0 + 0.1 * Modifier));
 	if(Instigator == None)
 	if(Victim != Instigator && Pawn(Victim) != None && (Pawn(Victim).GetTeam() == Instigator.GetTeam() && Instigator.GetTeam() != None) )
 	P = Pawn(Victim);
 	if(P == None)
     If (!(P.IsA('Vehicle'))) {
     	if(P.FindInventoryType(class'NullEntropyInv') != None)
     		return ;
     	Inv = spawn(class'NullEntropyInv', P,,, rot(0,0,0));
     	if(Inv == None)
     		return; //wow
     	Inv.LifeSpan = (0.1 * Modifier) + Modifier;
     	Inv.Modifier = Modifier;
     	Momentum.X = 0;
     	Momentum.Y = 0;
     	Momentum.Z = 0;

For any code I posted, I just posted the function in the class that was changed, the rest of those classes are unchanged. Druid, feel free to take/leave any of the code you want for druidsRPG0xx. Thanks for the great RPG add-on, our server wouldn't be near as successful without it.

P.S. Maybe it will give you more time to get that exp from healing weapons, that should be fun to try out.

Server Admin
UT2004 RPG since 2004

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

new release. Please see http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/701.page#4414

Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 18:32:13
Messages: 1946

DruidsRPG170 released:


Skin download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/1189.page

The fundamental problem is this: The first word we learn as children is NO. From that point forward society teaches women that saying no isn't polite, and society teaches men to respect those who wont take no for an answer.

The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations. -- Stella, The Morning Star
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