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Where does your name come from?  XML
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Joined: 12/19/2004 21:59:37
Messages: 138

It was 1998, I was 14 or so, and I discovered the Internet. I was signing up for a free email account at ignmail. I was playing Final Fantasy 7 at the time, who's main character is "Cloud Strife", and seeing how that I liked the game a lot, I tried to get an email as "Cloud", but it was already taken. So I added a number of absoltely no significance (though most people who guess, guess it to be my age, which it wont be for quite some time).

Now that I'm 21, I realize how cliche my nickname is, but being called anything but "Cloud" on the internet is very... wierd. I've had it for so long it's kinda stuck :/

Killing Spree

Joined: 08/13/2005 16:08:02
Messages: 36
Location: Ft Lauderdale> Irvine> Niagara> NYC> now Victoria, BC (go figure...)

Basically just a recombination of the letters of my actual names. Not the easiest of surnames to live with so you learn to be inventive.
(Growing up I got a lot of "Jay Z", "Z-wad", or simply "Mr. Z" .)

Google used to turn up top results for some project manager in Australia and some guy who got sent to prison for selling handgrenades - being neither of those two people, and getting constantly razzed by friends about the search results, I had to take matters into my own hands and now the first hit is me upside down at House Gymnastics.

Suffice it to say, I now get harassed for completely different reasons... (Sometimes ya just can't win! )
[Earning the July '04 Move of the Month was kinda cool though. ]

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 03/09/2005 05:20:36
Messages: 479
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Name comes out of lyrics for Nothing is not.


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Joined: 06/07/2005 21:19:19
Messages: 206

Some of you already know this. However its a post I havn't replied too yet!
Deunan (pronounced Dew-Nan) or Doo-Nin..
I got this name from the movie Appleseed. One of the best digital Anime movies made so far.
Deunan is a female warrior. She's Hot, she's sweet, and she kicks serious butt!
I chose this character name because of her will to survive..The same will that lives inside of me..
Here is a pic:
 Filename v3.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description Deunan
 Filesize 74 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  294 time(s)

never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake!

My Skin : http://www.ut2003hq.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=2381
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Joined: 01/25/2005 21:31:29
Messages: 141

Named after the character "Mac Knife" from the Captain Commando arcade game from Capcom. Yep, real exciting stuff i tell ya!

(Most people think i got it from the song "Mack the Knife" by Bobby Darin)

My skin: http://skincity.beyondunreal.com/?section=skins&action=show_infos&id=1980

Killing Spree

Joined: 08/13/2005 16:08:02
Messages: 36
Location: Ft Lauderdale> Irvine> Niagara> NYC> now Victoria, BC (go figure...)

I admit, first thought was the Bobby Darin tune also... "Oh the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear..."
(But settin' it straight. )

Also this was interesting: http://www.macknife.com/


Joined: 01/25/2005 21:31:29
Messages: 141

Yep, thats the game alright Zero. Heh, i loved that game...

And ive never seen that website before lol, interesting.

My skin: http://skincity.beyondunreal.com/?section=skins&action=show_infos&id=1980

Joined: 07/01/2005 13:03:21
Messages: 123
Location: Colorado, USA

For some reason one of my friends called me "Pop n Fresh" in middle school, then I just adapted it to Doughboy both for the pilsbury figure and for the soldier aspect.

I am also known as "MuMuTheCow" which came just from me trying to think up something that was unique and memorable. That and cows rule for all the milk they give me. (and burgers)

"Only the coolest anime junkies quote themselves" -Doughboy
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Killing Spree

Joined: 12/29/2004 09:16:19
Messages: 72
Location: Montana

Cool thread!

My name came from the fact I was raised in a cave. Wait, that's not it.

Here it is: I got my name back when i first started shopping on E-Bay. (you need a handle to buy and sell on there). I had just finished working on the biceps in the gym, so I put down biceps for my name. E-bay wouldn't take it and recommended I add a number so there you go-biceps1, and the rest is history.

For those of you who don't know me I am a competitive bodybuilder finishing 5th in the Mr. Montana, and 2 in the Northwest Natural Bodybuilding championships in 1998. I qualified for the world Naturals that year.

I am also a black belt in shotokan karate and compete in tourneys around the northwest. I have taken many kicks to the head in those tourneys, and that explains a lot doesnt it?!?!?!?


there is no problem so big, that brute force and violence can't fix
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Joined: 06/17/2005 15:56:30
Messages: 21
Location: Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Well here is the origin of my name

A young boy who already carries a dark past. As the sole successor of the master of the Kato School of Ninjutsu, he carried much weight on his still small shoulders. From the time he could remember, his days and nights were filled with hours of grueling training in which the object was always to kill. Then there was the brainwashing sessions. The cold, annoying voice - the man who claimed he could brainwash him into being a top assassin. The only glimpse of a family life he's ever experienced is the brief time he spent under Yugo's care. When Yugo found him, he had lost his memory and the ability to speak. But in his days with Yugo, the boy seemed to slowly regain his humanity and show signs of a normal boy his age, until one day, the man with the voice appeared before him. The first sounds he uttered in years was a scream when he saw the man with the small slivery eyes, the large mouth with thin lips, and the long reptile-like tongue."How've you been little boy, or should I say "Bakuryu"? I've been looking for you..."

I have changed my avatar to a picture of him. He could morph in to mole. This name comes from a game called Bloody Roar. I always owned at this game even though I didn't always use this charater I always liked the name the best. For those who do know the game, I used Long who could turn into a tiger. Also if you know the game ~You can't phase me and bring it! I chose this name way back when I was playing MOH. I wanted a name that no one else had. Some friends of mine always complained becase it didn't look cool when you killed someone. Like you were killed by "A flock of angry seagulls". That was one of there names. Well it just kinda stuck after I would get into a server and kill everyone. I liked people being on the other end saying "Who is this guy and HOW do you say his name!" I use this name in every game I play. So if you ever see me say HI! They are all first person shooters and if you do see me you should hope your on my team.

Pain heals, Chicks dig scars, Glory Lasts Forever.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
Messages: 573
Location: Victoria, TX

My knick was given to me indirectly, by my mentor Shlinksta. He used to run a channel in IRC when IRC was new (or new to me). We used to kick and ban channel ops out of their channels using bots. It was a challenge to get the timing right. Then the geeks that wrote the SeventhSphere MIRC GUI software got wise and it became increasingly difficult to do. After which Microsoft knocked out a wad of backdoors that were used to literally ping someone into a BSOD.

Anyway, I had been thinking about a knick for some time. One day, while playing cards, I beat Schlink out of a pot when he had the better cards (he wasn't paying attention) and he called me a shyster, and it stuck. I changed the S to a C and, voila.

Schlink is still around but succumed to the Al Bundy Syndrome (married with children) when his wife told him on his 48th birthday that she was pregnant. Rock on Schlink.

If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen.
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/08/2005 10:31:39
Messages: 490
Location: UT


I'm gonna go with random inspiration. I had a wombat phase...researched 'em and all that. Even found videos! Fascinating little buggers. They're like little brute koalas that burrow rather than climb. And they're pretty aggressive when they get older, thus they're illegal to have as pets. In any case, I was gonna go with Full Metal Wombat but it was too long for the default name length in UT so, titanium came in and stuck.

Also..considering starting a clan... [WMD] Wombats of Mass Destruction...

..anyone in?



Stephen: Stephen is my name. I'm the most wanted man on my island, except I'm not on my island, of course. More's the pity.
Hamish: "Your island"? You mean Ireland?
Stephen: Yeah. It's mine.
Hamish: You're a madman.
Stephen: I've come to the right place then!
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 01/27/2005 11:46:50
Messages: 899
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Titanium.wombaT wrote:

I'm gonna go with random inspiration. I had a wombat phase...researched 'em and all that. Even found videos! Fascinating little buggers. They're like little brute koalas that burrow rather than climb. And they're pretty aggressive when they get older, thus they're illegal to have as pets. In any case, I was gonna go with Full Metal Wombat but it was too long for the default name length in UT so, titanium came in and stuck.

Also..considering starting a clan... [WMD] Wombats of Mass Destruction...

..anyone in?

cheers. <img src="http://www.tmrstudio.us/misc/cheers.gif">


How does that sound to ya?

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits
My Skin:

Wicked Sick!
Joined: 03/08/2005 10:31:39
Messages: 490
Location: UT

Chameleon wrote:

How does that sound to ya?

Well, you could go <DC>Chameleon[WMD], ya know, for balance and all. After all, one's chi must be aligned, no?


Stephen: Stephen is my name. I'm the most wanted man on my island, except I'm not on my island, of course. More's the pity.
Hamish: "Your island"? You mean Ireland?
Stephen: Yeah. It's mine.
Hamish: You're a madman.
Stephen: I've come to the right place then!
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Killing Spree

Joined: 03/25/2005 13:47:45
Messages: 99
Location: York - UK

I needed a good name for unreal tournament. I was orginally called The_Driver what with me constantly playing Onslaught. As i branched out to other gamestypes, The_Driver wasn't really appropriate. I started browsing around. The name Eyesore came to me through an episode of 'Family Guy' (A Picture is Worth 1000 Bucks). Chris' art mentor appologises to the audience for his awful paintings.
"I apologise for these eyesores"
It stuck with me and seemed suitable for this game.
I have come across a parody name. I've seen ISawEyesore a few times in a few onslaught games... I don't know who it is...

I'll join [WMD]. Good name, plus it's about time i joined a clan anyway... Thats if you'll let me titanium...

My Skin - http://www.ut2003hq.com/pafiledb2/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=4285
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