I just found this program on Levels4You and dl'd it.
Installed it.
and well... I'm pretty impressed.
For those of us not so savvy with .ini files, etc... this program is awesome.
It was created to make it easier to change settings in Ut2k4. It's mostly graphical interface and well.. it's pretty kewl.
If you download it, you just need to change the extension to .exe and run it.
It's pretty good. Some of you folks good with the UT2k4 ini file... dl and check this out please. I'd like to hear your opinion.
Oh by the way... you can open this and make changes without having to open UT2k4. It's leet =)
There is one good 'clue' in the readme.
"If you don't know what a setting is, don't change it"
My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA
My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA
My Loaded Weapon character is known as [DC]FodderFigure My medic character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_MD My Artifact character is known as [DC]FodderFigure_LA