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Released: BattleRPG V10.2 0 BattleMode 59027 06/27/2009 01:07:47
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
EasyRPG v0.91 [Pics][Beta][DOWNLOAD] 0 FakeTruth 5859 06/03/2009 11:43:14
FakeTruth [Latest Reply]
LIVE list of UT3 servers running Invasion, BattleRPG or Battle Team Arena 6 BattleMode 6229 05/31/2009 14:06:36
Grizzled_Imposter [Latest Reply]
Crashing when killing enemies with UT3 RPG running. 2 Spark343 5251 06/18/2008 06:48:29
Spark343 [Latest Reply]
Submitted my MODs to the Make Something Unreal contest 0 BattleMode 5242 06/13/2008 01:26:22
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Where to play UT3 RPG .... Can't find a place as good as this place with DC ut2k4 6 fujoubou 5789 04/24/2008 05:03:29
fujoubou [Latest Reply]
Released: BattleRPG V10 now with Vehicle abilities 1 BattleMode 5808 04/13/2008 15:51:30
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Released: BattleRPG V9 now with Quantum magic 4 BattleMode 5415 03/22/2008 01:58:08
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Working on BattleRPG V9 1 BattleMode 5240 03/08/2008 02:19:15
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Released: BattleRPG V8 now with Medic and visual magic. 3 BattleMode 6020 03/01/2008 12:32:03
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Sneak preview: The BattleRPG V8 magic weapons
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18 BattleMode 12031 02/10/2008 18:22:51
Grizzled_Imposter [Latest Reply]
BattleRPG in German PC game magazine Gamestar! 2 BattleMode 5226 01/28/2008 06:06:21
Wonko The Sane [Latest Reply]
Released: BattleRPG V7 now with (optional) class system.
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23 BattleMode 12594 01/26/2008 10:44:50
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
UT 3 RPG Identifaction? (how are characters remembered) 8 -Jason_x- 5939 01/25/2008 01:49:17
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Sneak preview: The BattleRPG V7 Menu 3 BattleMode 5288 01/20/2008 12:01:58
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Working on V7: Death, taxes and the UTUIComboBox 1 BattleMode 5177 01/20/2008 10:35:35
Szlat [Latest Reply]
Working on BattleRPG V7 with Galtanor 007 0 BattleMode 5099 01/19/2008 18:19:47
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
INPUT WANTED: BattleRPG player classes. 13 BattleMode 7584 01/19/2008 11:33:31
Szlat [Latest Reply]
Released: BattleRPG V6 now with artifacts! 4 BattleMode 5367 01/14/2008 00:00:42
BattleMode [Latest Reply]
Classes for the DC server
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31 Szlat 14081 01/11/2008 19:50:55
Disiple [Latest Reply]
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