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Skin Manager Project  XML
Forum Index -> UT2004 Skins
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/10/2008 20:00:40
Messages: 526
Location: Hood River, OR

I have been working on a program to help manage skins.
It is currently in a preview state right now, but I would like to get some feedback (especially if any errors come up.)
It currently doesn't manipulate any files yet.
I started adding some dependency checking, and currently it should highlight skins that are missing utx files. (Red highlighting means that the skin is active, but missing needed files...yellow is missing files, but inactive.

It defaults to c:\ut2004. You can change the folder by clicking on the label.

Once I finish this program, I will expand it to handle config files.
My skin tracker will be capable of keeping an updated config file containing a list of which skin is used by each player. The skin manager will then let you activate skins by player name. Also the tracker will be able to keep track of play times and timeframes (day, evening, midnight...) it can then give the user the option to activate the skins for the players that play the most frequently, and during the timeframe the user plays. It can also be used to install all DC admins, and Contributor skins.

The main goal will be so that players don't have to search the forum for everytime a user changes their skin.

The user will still have to download the skins, but with some maintenance the links could be provided in the config files. I have thought about providing an automatic download option, but I haven't figured out a good way to do it yet.

Download Link:
download the zipfile if you don't have 7z

a69c25263bcd0e236eb24a7e5bc8aa26 *UT2k4_Skin_Manager_v1.0.3318.2911.7z
857c0714827fcb4ae76d4d81870c07fd *UT2k4_Skin_Manager_v1.0.3318.2911.zip

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/10/2008 20:00:40
Messages: 526
Location: Hood River, OR

I guess hitting preview removes attachments.
[Thumb - ut2k4_skin_manager.png]
 Filename ut2k4_skin_manager.png [Disk] Download
 Description Screenshot
 Filesize 42 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  218 time(s)



Joined: 05/17/2008 15:32:06
Messages: 367
Location: t3h interwebz

DLed and trying it now

EDIT: ok so red means I have some of the files but not all and is active, yellow means I am missing skins and is inactive. I'm guessing all the white ones are all files there but are they active or inactive? what constitutes as active? if someone has played with that skin before, is it "active"? or does it have to be that that player is using that skin right now? because I have seen elite using the masterchief but its not checked. what does the checks mean? that it's in use?
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/10/2008 20:00:40
Messages: 526
Location: Hood River, OR

The checked items are active meaning that they are installed and usable in the game. Inactive (unchecked) items are upl files not in the system folder or lines that are commented out.

A upl file installed in a different folder wont do anything. This will find them and list them (unchecked). If the user activates the skin, the program will move the upl file to the system folder. If the user doesn't want the skin activated anymore, they can uncheck it. The program will comment out the line (some upl files have more than one skin).
Currently the program doesn't activate/deactivate anything yet.


Joined: 05/17/2008 15:32:06
Messages: 367
Location: t3h interwebz

is there a way to make a 3rd column that contains the name of the player that uses them, if any, or the most recent if more than 1. that way if there is no one using that skin, you can see that it is that way
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/10/2008 20:00:40
Messages: 526
Location: Hood River, OR

Trooper wrote:
is there a way to make a 3rd column that contains the name of the player that uses them, if any, or the most recent if more than 1. that way if there is no one using that skin, you can see that it is that way 

That's the goal.
Forum Index -> UT2004 Skins
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