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How to verify if player has an specific artifact activated?  XML
Forum Index -> UnrealScript, Coding, Mapping, and 3rd party Mods
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Joined: 08/04/2007 10:26:01
Messages: 9

Hi, in one of my news artifacts the player gets 2 windows so that he can see things coming from Back-left and Back-Right, so if you activate the artifact they appear, and if you deactivate the artifact they disappear.

I'm using the RPGInteraction to do this, but there's only one problem... when you activate the artifact and than change to another one the 2 windows close(but it continues active). That's because in the RPGInteraction I'm using a if to see if the player selected item is the artifact, and if it's active. But what I should do is a if that would ask if the player has this artifact and if it's active, not only if the actual one is the artifact.

So my question is: How can I do to ask if the player has a specific artifact activated?

OBS: I've tried this:
 function FindByakInv()
 	local Inventory Inv;
 	for (Inv = ViewportOwner.Actor.Inventory; Inv != None; Inv = Inv.Inventory)
 		ByakInv = ByakuganOne(RPGArtifact(Inv));
 		if (ByakInv != None)

But in the end it do the same thing as before, the windows only stay oppen while your actual artifact is that specific artifact.
Forum Index -> UnrealScript, Coding, Mapping, and 3rd party Mods
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