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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 03/09/2005 05:20:36
Messages: 479
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

For LW

Waves 1-6
Sniper/LG with maxed weapon speed and damge 2 shots takes almost anything out up till the titan wave (plus theres a good chance for head hunter during those waves)

Rocket launcher same reasons as with the lg (also great on the queen waves where pupa are everywhere)

Shock Rifle if I get headhunter early

Waves 7 - 16
Usually I stay away from energy weapons because of the metal skaarj

Flak this is the main weapon for these waves I use it until I'm low on health or am surrounded.

Minigun used to build up my health or if I get surrounded.

Link gun nothing does more damage faster (especially if I end up with a triple)

Shock Rifle Whenever they are to far away for the link.

Combo Avril-LG- shock, link, or flak (I'm always switching this bind around)

For LA

Flak until I have no more ammo or get a good weapon
Flak +5
Flak +5 +Triple

Vorpal *Rifle +10 +Double Magic

Current WIP:

Killing Spree

Joined: 08/19/2005 23:07:35
Messages: 49
Location: san antonio

1. Shield (sturdy)
2. Flack
3. Avril
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/20/2006 15:59:35
Messages: 713

My favorites:

1. Rocket Launcher
2. Flack or Lightning (or both when I can pull it off)
3. Link

first let me say that I use the weapon that is appropriate to the situation. If I need a distance punch right now, Lightning. If I need some general spam on a
loose group of monsters Flack or shock combo. If I need some splash in a narrow coridor filled with little aliens, I use Rockets. If I am being chased and
need health now, I throw goop on the floor as I backpeddle.

Tip for hitting an oponent directly with a rocket: Close to minimum splash damage range and then, hop up or even double jump up and fire down on them. A single rocket into a very crowded area is much more effective than primary fire on the flack.

Core 2 DUO @ 4.1Ghz Grizzled_AM AM 43
Nvidia 9800 1g Grizzled_EMT. MM 85
4gb mem Grizzled_LW WM 87
Grizzled_EN EN 64
A drop of knowledge is more powerful than a sea of force~ unknown
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