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Forum Index -> Druids RPG Development
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Wicked Sick!
Joined: 06/24/2006 19:42:44
Messages: 433
Location: College Park, MD

Okay, I wanted to make this in one place, its own thread, and comprehensive. These are fixes and upgrades visible to the player only. I was trying to tell some players what we did this afternoon and it was difficult. :p

Did I miss anything?
Szlat - I'm unclear on a couple of the fixes you put in.

Poison and Reflection: There was a bug with poison and reflection where they did not trigger the correct amounts of their respective effects. (Bot)

Denial: This ability will no longer spawn multiple copies of the shield gun and assault rifles. (Bot)

Artifact keybinds: You may now bind an artifcat of your choosing to a specific key. Example: you can set T to always trigger the Teleport artifact regardless of what is currently displayed in your inventory. (Szlat)

Artifact scrambling: A bug where a player's artifact inventory would shift forward one slot when dying or leaving vehicles has been fixed. (Bot)

Low level player boosts: Players below level 40 will now receive specific bonuses to aid them.
From levels 1-20, all players will have Ghost 2 and Regeneration 3. Weapon masters will have Vampirism 2, Adrenaline Masters Adrenal Drip 2, Medic/Monster Masters an additional 2 levels Regeneration, and Engineers 2 levels of Armor Regeneration.
From levels 21-40, all players will have Ghost 1 and Regeneration 2, and one less level of each skill mentioned above. (Dru)

RPG Weapon damage type checks: Szlat - need an exact decription of this fix's implications. Does it fix 100% using one weapon to amp up another?

Loaded Artifacts: The "pinata" problem has been fixed. Players will no longer drop all their artifacts upon death, though they are still free to give artifacts to other players when they wish. (Bot)

New artifacts: There are new artifacts available to players.
Szlat - we need a list. Did these go to AMs? Or will they spawn in level? (Szlat)

Loaded Weapons: The shield gun and assault rifle are now affected by Loaded Weapons. (Bot)

Vampirism: This ability will no longer work on vehicles. While in a vehicle, it will return health to the player. In addition, it is now much smoother and slightly quicker in adding health to the player. (Moof and Szlat)

New artifacts: Medics will obtain new artifacts at Loaded Medic levels 2 and 3.
At LM 2, they may use the Sphere of Healing, which heals all players near the medic at a fixed rate in exchange for steady adrenaline use.
At LM 3, they will receive Healing Blast, which triggers a Redeemer-like explosion that will heal all nearby players. (Szlat)

Medic Awareness: This new ability will become available to Medics once they have purchased Loaded Medic 3. It displays a bar over all friendly targets' heads (pets included): blue for healable, white for fully healed. At level 2, the bar changes size: it is large when a player is low on health, and shrinks as the patient's health gets higher. (Moof)

Szlat stuff

Moof, Scholar of Ni

Moof (W); Dr. Moof (M); Engimoof (E); Moofgineer (E beta)
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 05/18/2005 18:32:41
Messages: 2124
Location: UK

Moof wrote:
RPG Weapon damage type checks: Szlat - need an exact decription of this fix's implications. Does it fix 100% using one weapon to amp up another? 
Should do. So when any damage is done, if the damage type is not applicable to the current weapon, you get no RPGWeapon bonus.

Moof wrote:
New artifacts: There are new artifacts available to players. 

This is the list of the artifacts I added. The idea was that AMs would get them as part of LA3, and they would not spawn randomly during the game (same as the Double Modifier). However, it depends which ones Druid adds into the UT2004RPG ini file as to which one appear in game

  • Lightning Bolt - based on the lightning rod, but hits just one opponent for the maximum damage it can do. Automatic aiming, it hits the monster in range with the highest health, provided there is a direct line between you and the monster.

  • Lightning Beam - based on the lightning bolt, but has to be aimed rather than automatically hitting. Line it up in the weapon sights, activate and bang. Longer range than the bolt.

  • MegaBlast - Redeemer/Ultima style explosion a set distance in front of the player. Requires lots of adrenaline.

  • FreezeBomb - similar to MegaBlast, but does no damage, just Null Entropies opponents for a while. Doesn't affect flag carriers etc.

  • PoisonBlast - similar to MegaBlast, but damages like poison - taken away over 5 seconds. Doesn't kill. Great against a herd of titans.

  • Repulsion - throws enemies back from the player. I suppose matrix inspired. Great on maps with lots of lava.

  • Sphere of Invulnerability - creates a large sphere within which all players are invulnerable

  • Sphere of Damage - large sphere within which all players get double damage

    Moof wrote:
  • ClassEngineer
  • DruidShieldRegen for Shield Regeneration
  • AbilityLoadedEngineer, with the ability to spawn turrets (including sentinels), vehicles and buildings (although no buildings coded yet).
  • Turret, Building, Vehicle Points abilities, like monster points
  • ConstructionHealthBonus ability, increases starting health of vehicles and turrets
  • Armor Regen, like health regen but regens vehicle and turret armor
  • Armor Vampire, like normal vampire but increases vehicle and turret armor rather than player health
  • EngineerInteraction, to show engineer stuff on HUD.
  • Engineer Link Gun - infinite, with more powerful but shorter beam
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