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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/23/2006 12:10:59
Joined: 01/22/2006 13:46:46
Messages: 114
I bring this up b/c it was disscused last night with me an em and some other people. I think who ever kills the monster should pick up the triple,globe,electro mag,summon charm.But this is not always the case.So people see it run for it and dive like its the only thing there was in the world to live on.Yes i have picked up peoples artifacts before but i have run the person down in the middle of the wave count down to give them there artifact.An medics are having a big time picking up the triples b/c they have to squat on them then all of a suddon someone comes by and like ooo says "You pinched me triple" Should this be a rule if not.Ohh i understand if someone dies its a free for all but if a medic is already squating on it please don't tackle it.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/23/2006 14:15:03
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
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This is not a rule issue. This is an ettiquette issue.
In the strictest of terms, from what I understand, you're only supposed to have 3 artifacts (I don't know if that's a DruidsRPG thing or a UTRPG thing). Also, near as I can tell, any code that allows you to start with more than three is Dru's.
So, if you have three or more artifacts, the "ability" to either:
get an artifact before it hits the ground, or
squat over an artifact to pick it up just as it's about to disappear
is, essentially, a bug. If it wasn't, it would be a bug that you couldn't pick them up when they were just sitting there.
IIRC, Mysterial is aware of the bug but has basically ignored it. It's probably something that the time required to fix is better spent elsewhere.
Given all this, I really don't care either way. Personally, I think people should stop griping so much when artifacts are pinched when people are sitting over them. You're abusing a bug.
Besides, the *only* artifact where this is an issue is the Triple (people don't seem to go out of their way to sqwat over anything else). That should give you something to think about.
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/23/2006 14:33:45
Killing Spree
Joined: 04/03/2006 23:16:44
Messages: 43
Whenever I play my LA Char, I will always be handing out my triple and globe until I am roughly level 50 or so (Doubled protection 4 to keep me alive longer). If you see me on ShadowYoda_EM I give anybody permission to ask, ONCE!!! If I decide I wish to use them, please dont spam chat with constantly asking.
(I could go on, but that would be another issue)
Yoda Wiki:
Quotes of the ancient Yoda
"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship."
"Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless."
"Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing..." |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/23/2006 17:04:07
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
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Location: Victoria, TX
This has already been addressed elsewhere, if you would take the time to read through the forums you would already know this.
There is no "claiming" of artifacts. If a monster spits one's first come, first serve. This has not ever been a debatable topic to my knowledge. Anyone who wants to complain further about this........
First.....For Pete's sake, get over yourself.
Second.......go find another one.
BotFodder is correct and what he stated has also been already said by others elsewhere in the forums. It's a matter of manners, opinion, etiquette and personal preference. It is individual discretion as to what happens to artifacts. Some may give it to the killer; others my take it to bed and put it under their pillow.
But....there is no ownership of artifacts
If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen. |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/24/2006 07:15:53
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
Chyster wrote:
This has already been addressed elsewhere, if you would take the time to read through the forums you would already know this.
There is no "claiming" of artifacts. If a monster spits one's first come, first serve. This has not ever been a debatable topic to my knowledge. Anyone who wants to complain further about this........
First.....For Pete's sake, get over yourself.
Second.......go find another one.
BotFodder is correct and what he stated has also been already said by others elsewhere in the forums. It's a matter of manners, opinion, etiquette and personal preference. It is individual discretion as to what happens to artifacts. Some may give it to the killer; others my take it to bed and put it under their pillow.
But....there is no ownership of artifacts
Yes, 100%. My personal etiquette is that if I see a free-range triple and I'm playing LW, I am going for it. If I see a medic squatting over one, I leave it alone. But that's just me, and others may play differently.
There is only one situation that sticks out in my mind as a total no-no. And that's when two players have agreed to exchange a weapon and someone swoops in just as the transfer is taking place. But, the simple way to avoid the problem 99% of the time is to stand very close to the other player or find a spot off the beaten path to do the trade. When I've been the victim of theft in this circumstance, I might chew the other guy out, but I won't go to the admins over it. As far as I know, it is not against the rules.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/24/2006 09:24:36
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
Messages: 573
Location: Victoria, TX
320 wrote:
There is only one situation that sticks out in my mind as a total no-no.......
Yes and no.
This is also a manners issue. Most of the time the swooping is by accident, but I have seen new players do it on purpose. I have no knowlege that it is against the rules. Though legality is questionable (and maybe even discretionary), it is a really crappy thing to do.
From my experience here at DC, I take solice in knowing that these people don't last long and one of two things happens. They either realized it isn't a cool thing to do and stop, or they get enough rope to hang themselves by other means.
Either way, it usually works out.
If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen. |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/24/2006 10:47:40
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/07/2005 21:28:14
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As Chys noted, this is a grey area. About the closest to being a definite "you don't do it" is in the situation 320 mentioned, where someone is squatting on it trying to pick it up. Just pushing them off it is very uncool, even if you are going to toss it to them (you could instead say "Here! Let me get that for you!" or some such and not ruffle feathers), and pushing them off and keeping it is a good way to get nothing from me until you learn some manners. (That is part of the rope Chys was referring to... no nice weapons means more likely to die to the bugs. And they can at that point either decide that the rope is itchy and drop it by playing nice, voluntarily tie the noose use it as they stop playing on DC, or face the hangman as they commit some bannable offense.)
I will also note that sometimes, someone such as myself is going from point A to point B, and either does not see the artifact or thinks we are going to clear it and does not. And we may not see that we picked it up by accident, being focused on getting to B to kill the bug or what ever. Or, in other cases, the stupid bug tosses it right at us. It happens, and when I am aware that I have inadvertently gotten a relic like that, I mentally go "Ah man!!!" and wish that we either had hording so that I could drop the second artifact (the first being the one I get from LA), or better yet, that the pickup of the artifact would not occur since I already have that artifact. I also wish that adren were this way. If I have full adren, I would love it if it would just leave the adren capsules there just like it leaves health when I am at full health. That way, someone else, or even myself, could use it when we are not at capacity. Oh well...if wishes were gold coins, I could buy out Bill Gates...
*BEL*_e (spacey), BEL Clan General -- You Frag em, I'll Slag em!
LA -- *BEL*_e (level 283 - Extreme AM), LW -- *BEL*_o (level 26) MM - ?? ( *BEL*_Rolaids ?? *BEL*DrWho??, Engineer... *BEL*BS_E_E [BSEE '89, Ohio U] (level 22)
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/24/2006 13:12:33
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
Chyster wrote:
320 wrote:
There is only one situation that sticks out in my mind as a total no-no.......
Yes and no.
This is also a manners issue. Most of the time the swooping is by accident, but I have seen new players do it on purpose. I have no knowlege that it is against the rules. Though legality is questionable (and maybe even discretionary), it is a really crappy thing to do.
From my experience here at DC, I take solice in knowing that these people don't last long and one of two things happens. They either realized it isn't a cool thing to do and stop, or they get enough rope to hang themselves by other means.
Either way, it usually works out.
I should have clarified - a definate no-no for me. In the etiquette spectrum, I definately lean toward the "it's all fair game" side, but I was just saying there are a few things I don't personally do.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/24/2006 14:36:58
Killing Spree
Joined: 01/23/2005 11:32:54
Messages: 32
Location: Kalee-forn-yah
I think the same problem is also for any pickup powerup that spawns on any given map. Deemer/Ion, 50/100 armor, Adren pills, and ammo. It's all first come first serve, and yet it ticks me off that someone got to it just before I did when I really needed it.. but I'll eventually die anyway. So what? Lol.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/25/2006 08:53:02
Killing Spree
Joined: 09/11/2005 07:46:05
Messages: 38
My thoughts on this are REAL STRONG , I can already feel my fist ready to swipe my whole PC desk to the other side of the room and right through the wall. And yes before you ask I've already had my MEDS , so this is as relaxed as im gonna get.
Server Law: Artifacts are all fair game
Player Etiquette: Artifacts are all fair game [Unless Parties are purched above said Artifact] As many of you like to point out the server rules of Artifacts belonging to the player that gets there fisrt, well in the Oooster's book: If ya purched on a triple, then u be da first 1 there Its just that theres a delay before pickup. This is definitely not the time to either: Knock someone of the Triple or pick it up by standing next to it.
How many times can you recall the Oooster giving out Weapons. Thats how all this Flak +5 and Triple contention started, as I would always and I mean ALWAYS pass out the +5's to anyone, and there were many that wanted them. How many times after giving away my Artifacts when leaving the game have I waited till next wave to give another set of Artifacts. How many times have I played and all I've done is give not just low lvl but high lvl players good weapons, and my Triple. Now! how do you think I feel when some of those players when seeing me purched upon a Triple from my own kill [I know it doesn't matter who's kill it came from, Well it does to me] come over and take it from me when they know in a few seconds I will pick it up. I could tell you how that makes me feel. I won't though on the grounds that it may get me sentenced to an Asylum, all I'll say is there's a BodyBag some Gaffa Tape and a packet of Cheerios involved
There are some really cool people here and I have enjoyed gaming on this server for a very long time. The Admins are also Great and put alot of effort into making this RPG server the best arround, not only for gaming but also have the coolest players. [check the server list if you dont believe me]
We are not talking of Server Rules here, We are talking of Player Etiquette I guarantee you now, if someone tried to steel something from me after I had been good to them, well lets just say I think that the Gaffa Tape, Bodybag and Cheerios may be needed again
BotFodder wrote:
Personally, I think people should stop griping so much when artifacts are pinched when people are sitting over them.
Is this really how you want it to be BotFodder
Your friendly neighborhood Oooster! |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/25/2006 10:28:34
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 05/18/2005 18:32:41
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Location: UK
Given that all AMs have more than 3 artifacts, and higher level MMs will in effect have more than 3 artifacts due to their monster summoning abilities, is there really any point in having the 3 artifact limit still set?
Why not change the configuration to remove the limit, then the 'perching on artifacts' issue goes away.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/25/2006 11:53:27
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
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Szlat wrote:
Given that all AMs have more than 3 artifacts, and higher level MMs will in effect have more than 3 artifacts due to their monster summoning abilities, is there really any point in having the 3 artifact limit still set?
Why not change the configuration to remove the limit, then the 'perching on artifacts' issue goes away.
I never said this wasn't an option. Dru wants to do it, he can do it, I'm fairly certain (it may just require coding something rather than just changing a setting, depending on how Mysterial did his stuff).
If he *does* do this, then the whole squatting problem goes away.
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/25/2006 13:12:08
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 05/18/2005 18:32:41
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Location: UK
BotFodder wrote:
Dru wants to do it, he can do it, I'm fairly certain (it may just require coding something rather than just changing a setting, depending on how Mysterial did his stuff).
It's a setting in the UT2004RPG.ini file, called MaxHeldArtifacts. It will be currently set to 3. Change it to zero, restart the server and there is no limit (or so I believe).
I may easily be wrong, but I think in the past Druid used to have it set to no limit. However, there is also a limit on the number of spawned artifacts in use at one time. I think people were gathering up all sorts of useless artifacts like boots of flight, electromagnet etc, and so there was a lack of new artifacts like triples spawning. For example, if the total limit was set to 40 artifacts, then if all 20 players have an electromagnet and lightning rod then no triples will spawn.
So Druid set it to 3 to stop people hogging useless artifacts. However, since Druid has now added loads of extra artifacts himself which probably don't come into the count, I am not sure the limit is really necessary.
If the bug for squatting on artifacts didn't exist then it wouldn't be such a problem. However, as it is, it may be worth upping the individual limit.
Just a thought. But if Druid wants it the way it is, that's his call. More artifacts is bound to be more loading on the server.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/25/2006 15:56:34
Killing Spree
Joined: 11/29/2005 22:44:00
Messages: 37
I wouldn't be so quick to anger, guys. I bet most of the people either a. grabbed it on accident, or b. Were new, or didn't know you could get more by hovering on it, therefore they grabbed it thinking you couldn't.
If I ever grab anything from you and don't notice, make sure to let me know, and I'll gladly give it back.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/25/2006 18:14:12
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
mmik wrote:
I wouldn't be so quick to anger, guys. I bet most of the people either a. grabbed it on accident, or b. Were new, or didn't know you could get more by hovering on it, therefore they grabbed it thinking you couldn't.
If I ever grab anything from you and don't notice, make sure to let me know, and I'll gladly give it back.
mmik is spot on. A newbie seeing a player squatting on an artifact sees... what? S/he doesn't know what's up.
I said this once before and I'm not bragging - I tend to kill 2 to 3 times what the average player does in a given map. Therefore, simple math dictates that I have a greater shot at getting a good artifact but also am the 'victim' of theft that much more. How many times have I nailed a monster downscreen and seen a triple drop that I had no chance to get to before another player swoops it up? If I, and others, ever decided to start claiming them when this happened, the server would get un-fun overnight and the arguments would be non-stop.
It is an unfortunate limitation of rpg that this is the case. Think of all the balance issues that exist in games that are built from the ground up with balance in mind, then consider that rpg is an add-on and the product of volunteer effort. It is surprisingly balanced and fair, quite an anomaly in the mod community when you stop to think about it.