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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/04/2006 19:20:32
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 18:35:28
Messages: 861
Location: SLC, Utah
Greetings everyone,
I would like to update the website and make sure that all of the information on it is correct sometime within the next several weeks. If you have a moment, please give it a look-see and respond to this post with any errors or omissions that you find.
One addition that I know I will have time to add is a small pic with each artifact and weapon type. If you have any other similarly quick, useful, and easy to implement ideas, respond to this post with a brief synopsis of your idea.
Tangents and time-intensive ideas will be deleted.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm wondering what it will take for my country to rise,
First we admit our mistakes, then we open our eyes
--Ani Difranco
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 03:25:36
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida
Muahahahahha! Fool! You have given me free reign to point out every error I've ever seen and parade them in front of you ... and not just the obvious ones like missing or errored pages!
Now that I have that out of my system, here's the easy stuff right off the top:
"Monster Tongue" is still on the Skill Costs page.
Skill costs are not indicated anywhere for Medic/Monster Master Skills. While it appears as if all skills are on the description pages, no where is there a cost indicator for them.
Is the Max Adren different between AMs and everyone else? I thought MA's could get 250, but everyone else was limited to 200. If that's the case, it should be indicated somewhere. If it's not ... um ... nevermind.
That's it right off the top of my head.
Oh - and I don't know if this really fits here but ... can we get a better description that explains exactly how "Monster Summoning" and "Monster Points" are different, go together, etc? I think I understand the Intelligence and HB stuff, but I don't quite understand how the different levels of MS work and how MPs fit in. Practical examples (like, "If you have MS lvl 5, but only one MP, this is what you can do, but if you have MS 5 and MP 5, this is what you can do ... and if your MS is 1, MP 1, etc").
Not that it's important to BotDoctor ... first he needs to get back to where he was, finish maxing out EH, and then he's not looking at MS until he's like 60 or something.
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 07:19:07
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 10/11/2005 21:28:38
Messages: 605
Calling all nit-picky, detail oriented types (with nothing better to do)!
BotFodder wrote:
Muahahahahha! Fool! You have given me free reign to point out every error I've ever seen and parade them in front of you ... and not just the obvious ones like missing or errored pages!
ROFL the moment I saw that subject line I thought of warning Shantara that she opened the floodgates to the Botfodder Inquisition.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 08:05:01
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
Shan i always asked myself if you could read Unreal data contained in the INFO button on the skill page. The same way you read player stats.
This would merge Skill Cost and Skill Description into one. (Wich is good imo)
And it would also remove lot of update work for you, since you seem to update the info when you change code, changes would be reflected automatically!
Hope it can be simple
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 08:18:20
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida
KitFox wrote:
Shan i always asked myself if you could read Unreal data contained in the INFO button on the skill page. The same way you read player stats.
This would merge Skill Cost and Skill Description into one. (Wich is good imo)
Ug - from what I've seen of Unreal Script, no. I get the impression that it's similar in use to Java (not JavaScript), where it gets "compiled" into a "binary byte code" that is more easily interpreted by the unreal engine on the fly (but is similarly platform independent). So pulling the text out of the files, while a *great* idea, is not so much an easy thing to do.
I am, of course, talking out of my butt again, and someone will point out if I've hit that 5%-10% of the time that I'm wrong when I do that.
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 09:02:50
Joined: 11/25/2005 07:59:59
Messages: 232
I get the impression that it's similar in use to Java
In Java we can read bytecode very easylly if not encripted
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 10:04:59
Killing Spree
Joined: 01/20/2006 17:28:27
Messages: 48
these are a few mistakes i have found and a few ideas considering you're reorganizing things.
- in "Druid's RPG Stat Caps and Skill Costs", the stats necessary for some skills are wrong. i haven't checked every single one but i know some/all of the adrenaline skills have wrong values. for example it says 5 points for lvl 1 of energy leech but it's supposed to be 2 etc.
- in the "RPG Weapons" sections, the info for slow motion has been missing for a while. (it says "coming soon")
- artifacts special to Adrenaline Class are missing in the "Artifacts" page. (max magic modifier and double magic modifier)
- i think the info in this link (exp and point bonuses for sprees) is important enough to be in the front page (i spent a lot of time looking for it the other day): link to "DruidsInvasionSpree 1.03 Released"
- this link of all the maps used on the DC server could be a good addition to "Downloads" section in the main page. Instead of directly linking to the maps, if you link to the forum/topic, those who haven't visited the forums might have a chance to do that; link to "Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Get your maps here. *(Updated)*"
i'll write more if i remember/see anything.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 13:18:00
Joined: 04/04/2005 17:36:13
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Experienced Healing is now 9 levels at 1% each level.
Also, I heard that MM can have only have either adrenaline drip or regeneration, and it says in the text that you can't have both, but I have seen that some people have 1 level of both. I don't know if MM can have more than 1 level of both. So, you could probably clear that up.
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/05/2006 21:58:52
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
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Location: Victoria, TX
On the RPG FAQ page, the newer artifacts aren't listed (class specific). They are however covered in the skill descriptions, not sure if it is worth dragging them over there.
Also, the current artifacts aren't described correctly for the different classes.
Example, summoning charm doesn't break for the M/MM
MWM doesn't break for the AM
Depends on how correct ya want it to be.
If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen. |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/06/2006 13:36:25
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562
1) The info on Adrenal Drip is wrong. It is not "...per 5 seconds" anymore.
2) Resupply
Adds 1 ammo per level to each ammo type you own every 3 seconds.
This isnt even close. Some guns get 1 ammo per level, but other like the Link Gun and Minigun get far more due to their increased default max ammo.
The formula in the code is like
RegenAmount * (1 + W.AmmoClass[0].default.MaxAmmo / 100)
So it adds at least 1 or the game's default max ammo for that gun divided by 100. (which is what speeds up the assault rifle, mini, and link resupply greatly.)
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/08/2006 21:00:04
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida
You're going to want to check all of the stat costs, I think. They are quite out of date as far as I can tell.
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/20/2006 00:20:50
Killing Spree
Joined: 02/06/2005 00:17:50
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On the skills page it says you can't have ultima with ghost
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/29/2006 07:44:32
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 01/13/2006 15:23:41
Messages: 1239
Location: Florida
Actually I've figured out the whole LM vs MP thing, but what's really lacking anywhere is a table that shows:
LM lvl - Monster you can summon - MPs required - Adren Cost
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![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/29/2006 10:36:33
Joined: 03/24/2006 11:52:17
Messages: 6
The link to the Player Agreement on the Server Info page returns an error.
B& |
![[Post New]](/dcforum/templates/default/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 06/25/2006 07:33:33
Wicked Sick!
Joined: 12/19/2004 18:35:28
Messages: 861
Location: SLC, Utah
Thanks to everyone who has helped correct and improve the site. I've made a bunch of changes, and I still have a few left to go. If anyone notices any errors in the new stuff (or old errors that haven't been mentioned yet) feel free to list them.
Here's a summary of what I've done:
--Skill costs have been updated
--MM skills have been added to the skill cost page
--Adrenal Drip description has been updated
--Information on Rage, Reflection, Slow Motion, and Harm weapons has been added
--Skill-specific artifacts have been added
--A page on the Experience Bonuses has been added directly to the website
--Links to the maps and skin downloads have been added
The main things that I still have left to do are creating a Monster Summoning table and adding questions to the FAQ.
I'm wondering what it will take for my country to rise,
First we admit our mistakes, then we open our eyes
--Ani Difranco
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