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Forum Index -> UnrealScript, Coding, Mapping, and 3rd party Mods
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Killing Spree

Joined: 01/21/2006 18:53:41
Messages: 88

I was diong random work on KohanRPG when I realized bots were way, way, way too powerful, and found that this was because they still followed the piont-for-point rule, along with a bug that allows them to have StatCap+PointsPerLevel*3-1 even without my custom piont system, which was really bad for testing with 80 points per level O.o. So I fixed all that up, and found abilities.

Currently, a list of all possible abilities is formed (not necessarily low enough to buy, but if the prerequisite stats and abilities are acquired), and an ability is randomly selected to purchase (if not possible at the time, points are saved up). I found this too different from players. Tell me, do players just go 'Hmmhmm ah! That one sounds good.' and buy it? No. They find a top-level ability they want and set up for all the prerequisites. Common ones are Ultima, Ghost, Loaded Weapons, Loaded Artifacts, et cetera. Should bots be given this flowchart advantage? Given it would take a while to incorporate, but is it a good idea?
Forum Index -> UnrealScript, Coding, Mapping, and 3rd party Mods
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