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New sound card, Please Help!  XML
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs

Good job everyone! Drinks all around!

good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.


Joined: 04/27/2006 07:23:22
Messages: 159
Location: San Diego, California

Hey Continuum I had a Soundblaster Live 5.1. From what it sounds like if you ever have trouble you can go to the manufacturer's website and download the drivers. Companies like Creative have an autodect feature which can point you in the right direction to the latest drivers for your hardware. Also another thing you should try and do is use Driver Cleaner Pro. What you need to do is install it and then run it in safe mode and remove any trace of your old drivers on your hardware. There are times when old hardware drivers can conflict with your new drivers. You also should go to your Control Panel and set the new hardware as your default hardware. Afterwards disable your old hardware in windows. So recap:

General Hardware Installation
1. Uninstall your old hardware drivers.

2. Download and Install Driver Cleaner Pro.

3. Restart your computer in safe mode.

4. Use Driver Cleaner Pro to remove all traces of your old drivers.

5. Restart and go into Control Panel and hardware manager and set your new hardware as the default hardware.

6. Disable your old hardware in device manager.

7. Restart and check your BIOS to make sure that your old hardware is disabled and if their is an option to enable your new hardware then set it.

8. Fin

P.S. I hope this will help anyone out next time they are having trouble with installing new hardware.

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