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Ummm, is health meant to go this high?  XML
Forum Index -> UT2004 DisastrousConsequences.com
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Joined: 01/25/2005 21:31:29
Messages: 141

Yeah i got a couple of those presents that give health, and i noticed my health jumped to 599. Ive atatched a shot of my health at 599. Is this meant to happen or is it a bug? Also, when i used booster while my health was above 399 (my usual max), nothing happened, my adrenaline just depleted without gaining any health or shield.
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Killing Spree

Joined: 08/06/2005 14:19:45
Messages: 43

It's a present thing. I can only get up to 523, which is 200 over my current max. I also keep getting berserks, which is more or less a lump of coal. Same goes with the infinite jumps for x seconds. "Is my time up yet?" *splat*

MedMonster: lvl 45 junkie and counting


Joined: 12/20/2004 14:32:15
Messages: 231
Location: Hatboro, PA

I don't know if it's the map or something, but in that screen, you're so close to the ground, it's as if you're crawling. The same happened to me last night, I felt so low... I guess it's just me.

I only got 501.

this is tidu
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

We use the presents on our server.

I took out Infinite jump and Berserk.
Berserk does not work properly with Weapon Speed in RPG.
And I think Infinite Jump breaks Quad Jump somehow. Either that or I just thought it was too cheap.


Joined: 12/20/2004 14:32:15
Messages: 231
Location: Hatboro, PA

plus berserk stinks

this is tidu
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 02/08/2005 20:26:37
Messages: 573
Location: Victoria, TX

This is the first time I have seen the present deal, and I think it's kinda cool. As for the ones you don't like, think of it as that ugly tie, or socks with toes in them that you get on Christmas morning instead of what you wanted.

Makes it kinda like a crap-shoot.

If at first you don't friccasee, fry, fry a hen.
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