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v0rTeXsRPG108  XML
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Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

Version 108

I have this addon running on our server
Also it is available for download.

-Recompiled to work with DruidsRPG173

Snippet from Readme file:

v0rTeXsRPG contains a new Ability.

Iron Shoes:
This ability reduces how far enemy fire can push you by 25% per level.
(Max Level: 4)


v0rTeXsRPG contains new magic weapons.
NOTE: Guns marked with '#' at the end can not be thrown.

Enhanced Force:
This is the same as Force, but now it can be negative.
Negative versions fire projectiles that are 20% slower for each '-'

Medic #:
This weapon has infinite ammo and the shots heal team mates faster than
normal healing weapons.

Rejuvination +10 #:
This weapon steals life from enemies equal to 50% of the damage caused,
and also gives adrenaline for damage caused.

Venom #:
Much like regular poison weapons, except this weapon will deal 20 damage
at each interval and last for 30 seconds. Try not to hit yourself
or your friends with this one.

Iron #:
This weapon allows you to take 50% less damage from enemies and also
enemy fire won't push you around while you hold it.

Propulsion #:
Projectiles fired from these weapons are twice as fast,
and when hit by it, enemies will fly farther away than normal.

Frosty #:
This weapon freezes enemies, slowing them down and making them easier to hit.
It also increases your running speed generously.

Stone #:
This weapon causes enemies to pause all movement for a limited time.
The shots will also go through enemies to hit any others behind them.

For each level of this weapon, you deal 20% more damage, but
you also take 20% more damage for each level.


 Filename v0rTeXsRPG108.zip [Disk] Download
 Description v0rTeXsRPG108 - An addon for RPG to add new weapon types and a new skill.
 Filesize 15 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  337 time(s)



Joined: 05/22/2005 16:57:45
Messages: 247

These would be great Extremely Rare type weapons. I think the chance for magical weapons is 33%. Extremely Rare would be great at about 2% or so. These would be cool to incorporate on the DC server at that frequency rate. (Loaded weapons would use 2% for each weapon to get the Extremely Rare types)

My character skin -
http://www.utzone.de/include.php? path=content/download.php&contentid=4280

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

What I've done on our server is take advantage of the built in chance formulas.

I set all the Super magic weapons to Chance=1, followed by INF at Chance=2, more at 3, and the rest at =4. This ensures that while a player could get lucky and find one right away, most of the time only the Adrenaline Junkies will see more than one of these in a map.

Not to mention that even with one or two of these most of the mid level players still dont stand a chance come wave 10 or 13 on our server.

And like all addons for RPG, admins can pick and choose which weapons to even add to the server.

Joined: 08/10/2005 18:38:46
Messages: 205

v0rTeX, are the any other changes then the extra magic weapons ?

Zenas: Weapons Master - lvl 26

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

Nope, I did try messing with skills cause I had one in particular in mind but Im having trouble coding it. I'm going to ask Mysterial for some help with it and maybe it will make it into a future version.

For now, Version 103 is ready.


-Fixed code for Medic so it won't be allowed on the Redeemer
-Improved code for Venom, it will do much more poison damage and last much longer
-Added Rage weapon type

For each level of this weapon, you deal 20% more damage, but
you also take 20% more damage for each level.

I still havent taken the time to put different skins on the individual weapons yet, but if anyone would like a copy of this to try out for yourself I can post a download.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

Okay, v104 is ready and I am comfortable with its development. I added a download link to the top post.


-Added custom skins for *each* weapon instead of the same one for all (finally)


Joined: 08/10/2005 18:38:46
Messages: 205

thnx for the PM, but would have seen it anyway
there is only one problem making me not being capable of running it because of my custom RPG.
your magic weapons, are depending on DruidsRPG
i have looked into the code, and it is looking for DruidsGhost or whatever the name is [dont know this one out of my head, one of the not so many abilitys ]
and since i have different class names, it wil make them a "none" class in my ini.
so i'll just have to make my own after all,
doesnt mether, since my school project is done [has to be turned in today (wednesday)
and my RPG tool is done aswel. (more info later this week on this.)
so i'll be spending more time in the unreal scripts again, since 2 weeks i havent done anything i think.. except for reading your code

Zenas: Weapons Master - lvl 26

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

Yeah since I basically spliced code together, the weapons still have some bits of code that reference Druids stuff. Only two guns depend on it though.

The Rejuvination gun checks the Vampirism skill to function and give health based on the attributes of the skill. I was meaning to add the extra code I needed so that I could remove the '+10' from the name anyway.

The Frosty gun checks for players who are in the middle of Ghosting I think and then wont freeze them if they are. I can't imagine this would stop you from using the gun just because you dont have the Ghost skill set up the same way. I mean what if the player didnt purchase the Ghost skill either. Seems like it would error then too.

I don't claim to completely understand the code so I am probably no where near making this work on its own. But I figure if people are picking up my addon they most likely already have Druids anyway. I'll look into changing those guns a bit to see if I can remove dependency on DruidsRPG.


Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

Okay I looked into it. My file is pretty solidly dependent. Through manipulation and recompiling, you can take care of it but I don't feel like releasing two versions of this each time.

If you feel like messing around with it go for it. Otherwise if you just put DruidsRPG on the server and add it to the server packages mine will work fine. You dont have to add anything from it into the RPG.ini file. So if you have a custom compiled Druids then the worst case is that clients have to download both versions to play. *shrug*

Joined: 08/10/2005 18:38:46
Messages: 205

yeah, and i am trying to minimize the download content a little, so i am just going to end up making my own magic weapons a little earlyér then planned when i saw this.
my first plans were like this anyway, so i dont realy mind that much

Zenas: Weapons Master - lvl 26

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 05/18/2005 18:32:41
Messages: 2124
Location: UK

Nice set of toys there. I like.
I particularly like the Rejuv+10, but perhaps its a bit too good - on a test server with a rejuv+10 flak I managed to keep the globe running completely through a titan wave, and ended with more adrenaline than when I started. And a very high score.
But, as you say, if your server is tougher than DC then weapons like this could be very useful.

Anyway, looking at the code for rw_rage, in AdjustPlayerDamage, did you really mean
Damage = Damage * (0.2 * Modifier); 

It means a +1 rage would only suffer 20% of the damage. I think you meant += rather than =

Still, it makes an interesting change. First time I have got a vorpal and used a mwm to get something better

Joined: 08/10/2005 18:38:46
Messages: 205

uhm, he did it right i think,
ive seen that system before, and i had rage once, and the damage i dealt, and the damage i got, were both increased.

Zenas: Weapons Master - lvl 26

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

You're right. It should be += instead of =. The reason it seemed okay was because I only tested it with splash damage weapons. Doh!

But so that it matches the code for the Target Damage Ill put it like this.
Damage = Damage * (1.0 + (0.2 * Modifier));

105 will be up shortly with a fix. Good catch.

Also, yes I agree the Rejuv gun is a little over the top, but you are supposed to make it very rare and then the only people that will get one very often at all would be Adrenaline Junkies.

I don't necessarily think our server is harder than DC overall. But I know darn well that I've never seen anyone beat wave 20 on ours without having globe running the whole time. I've pulled it off two times and Im already at the stat cap limit for DB and DR. We sort of need it at our place.

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 05/18/2005 18:32:41
Messages: 2124
Location: UK

Just trying to help.

On second thoughts, it might have been better if I'd not mentioned it - I might have lived a bit longer

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 12/19/2004 20:59:52
Messages: 562

Okay updated now.

I might have caught that sooner or later just from playing the game enough, but its nice when people mention things like this. I like seeing honest people making a contribution. Not like those teenage kids who hide in the cracks in a map so they can kill without being touched.
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