Last time i downloaded a skin from skincity i had to re install ut2k4 i didnt mess up while intstallin it cause i followed the directions but im afraid to dl any more cause, ut being 6 disc is a long time to install
do you think it was just that one skin( mars attacks one) or if i did put it in the wrong place
P.s. does having all those skins slow down your comp
Joined: 12/19/2004 21:10:38
Messages: 1464
Location: chicago burbs
I have a ton of skins installed and have never had a problem that includes the Mars Attacks skin. You may have dl'ed a corrupted skinpack. If I remember right the mars attacks skinpack had an entire folder to move over to system and i know that was confusing some people. Anyways none of that have slowed my machine peashooter.
Let me try to explain. The only problem that comes into play from my experience from the skins is going to different servers. A lot of servers run that Anti TCC client or some other anti cheat software, and it will boot you then tell you what file caused the conflict. After that you just go and delete the skin/file and return to play. Other than that you should be okay. Sometimes I have searched for a file that was in conflict with these servers and couldn't find it. The file was in my cache, so I just cleared my cache and it let me in after that.