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Joined: 07/15/2010 16:21:23
Messages: 9
Location: Wrigley Jr. Factory

Dr.Mario Style.

WM - <DoubleMint> - WM skin same as Medic but Dr.Mario(Black)
AM - ~DoubleMint~ - AM skin right Here.
EM - *DoubleMint* - EM skin right Here. This is Skydust's skin. I just use it since we both use Mario.
MM - Dr. Mario - MM skin right Here.
GM - ?



Joined: 05/25/2011 18:17:19
Messages: 7

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Beats my best score in points and XP; GJ


Joined: 07/15/2010 16:21:23
Messages: 9
Location: Wrigley Jr. Factory

Thanks, heh yeah it was intense.

WM - <DoubleMint> - WM skin same as Medic but Dr.Mario(Black)
AM - ~DoubleMint~ - AM skin right Here.
EM - *DoubleMint* - EM skin right Here. This is Skydust's skin. I just use it since we both use Mario.
MM - Dr. Mario - MM skin right Here.
GM - ?


Killing Spree

Joined: 03/07/2008 11:38:57
Messages: 55
Location: Oregon

Just me and the bots. I tell them to cover me, so they are always close. And Ironic is just about the perfect map... except I couldn't get past wave 12.

This is the highest score I've had since I could spawn three lobsters.
[Thumb - cribbageHS- 12830.jpg]
 Filename cribbageHS- 12830.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 72 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  3117 time(s)

31 for 2


Joined: 06/10/2011 21:05:04
Messages: 168
Location: IL, USA

Cribbage you are the exp master.

Weapon Master: Draconyx
Adrenaline Master: PuffTheMagicDragon
Medic/Monster Master: Dragon7350
Engineer: Dragonark
General: Dragonlance

Get the DC Invasion program HERE.
I use the custom character skin "Arkos." Get it HERE.
If you want your own custom skin (and you have played at least 3 months on the DC server), post a new thread on the forums containing your request. (As of June 2013)
[Email] [Yahoo!]

Killing Spree

Joined: 03/07/2008 11:38:57
Messages: 55
Location: Oregon

Me and the bots on Toy's Story.

Actually stayed alive and finished it out.
[Thumb - cribbageHS- 15771.jpg]
 Filename cribbageHS- 15771.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 46 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  3163 time(s)

31 for 2
Flak Monkey

Wicked Sick!

Joined: 08/24/2006 12:21:41
Messages: 1098
Location: Land of great Cheese and Beer

Thats incredible. how do you get that much XP without the points to go with it? Even adding all the players points up dont account for that much XP.

My current skin After several other skins, I have reverted back to Bender.

Flak Monkey -> Berserker ( 818 )
Flak Junkie -> AM (60)
Monkey Wrench -> Engineer (27)

Favorite quotes:

"It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again."

"Every morning is the dawn of a new error"

"But why is the rum gone?"

"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and doesn't stop until you get to the office." - Robert Frost

"Beer has some Food value, but Food has no Beer value."

Killing Spree

Joined: 03/07/2008 11:38:57
Messages: 55
Location: Oregon

It comes from being an extreme medic. It's all healing xp.

Since the ExM is so weak, I have to depend on others to kill monsters while I sit back and heal. With only bots it's pretty difficult to stay alive to the end. It's only possible on a few maps. With Toy's Story, I hid behind the couch downstairs and healed the bots as they killed everything.

For these reasons, chances for healing xp go way up with just bots.
The bots:
  • don't heal each other
  • don't shield blast
  • don't build walls
  • don't build sentinals or pets
  • all stay near making healing easier

  • ---------
    31 for 2

    Joined: 12/03/2009 14:09:23
    Messages: 17

    Here is my highest score.
    [Thumb - My Record D.JPG]
     Filename My Record D.JPG [Disk] Download
     Description My record
     Filesize 41 Kbytes
     Downloaded:  3027 time(s)


    Wicked Sick!

    Joined: 03/18/2006 12:10:27
    Messages: 2151
    Location: Colorful Colorado

    If you have questions or comments, please visit the new forums at http://www.gametracker.com/clan/D-E-K/. These forums are for historical purposes only.

    Let us not fool ourselves into thinking we went to the Moon because we are pioneers, or discoverers, or adventurers. We went to the Moon because it was the militaristically expedient thing to do. Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it....Autograph your work with excellence. Author Unknown



    My skin is Graah, a reincarnation of an ancient African warrior mixed with the soul of a lion,
    download: http://www.disastrousconsequences.com/dcforum/posts/list/2843.page
    [Email] [Yahoo!] [MSN]
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